1 Install latest Base-R und RStudio versions on your computer

Please install Base-R and RStudio prior to the course. Please let us know if you run into problems.

Step 1: Install Base-R
Windows, Mac

Step 2: Install RStudio
Windows, Mac

2 Install packages

You will be using several R “packages” in this course that you need to install in your R session. To make sure that there aren’t any installation issues please run the following line of code in R — If you don’t know how to run code in R yet, ask a friend, a member of your IT staff, or us :)
Note: If you get asked, whether to install from source and don't understand what this means, just choose “no”; this will avoid potential problems.

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "tidymodels", "rpart", "rpart.plot","doParallel", "ranger", "randomForest", "glmnet"), dependencies = TRUE)

This may take a bit of time! You may receive some warnings (which is fine in most cases) or errors when running the code. If so, please see next point on optional software!

Optional: Install additional Software

If you run into problems with the package installation, try installing these Software and then rerun package installation.

Windows: Rtools plus installation guide
Mac: gfortran, clang-7.0.0

3 Project

Please download this R project, unpack its contents, and move it to some suitable location on your local harddrive.

4 Course website & Zoom

The Zoom link and all materials will be shared via this course site: https://therbootcamp.github.io/AML_2021AMLD/

Many of the links we be updated prior to the course start.