class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Data objects and functions ### The R Bootcamp
### April 2018 --- .pull-left45[ # Objects >###"Everything in R is an object"<br> ><p align="right">*John Chambers*<p> <br><br> + R's objects are have **content** and **attributes**. <br2> + The content can be anything from **numbers** or **strings** to **functions** or **complex data structures**. <br2> + Attributes can be **names**, **dimensions**, and the **class** or type of the object, but other attributes are possible. <br2> + Practically all data objects are equipped with those three essential attributes. ] .pull-right5[ <br><br> <img src="" align="center" width="579" height="560"> ] --- # Vectors R's most **basic (and most simple) data format** - even single values (aka **scalars**) are implemented as vectors. .pull-left45[ ```r # creating a vector (incl. names) my_vec <- c(t_1 = 1.343, t_2 = 5.232) # naming vectors my_vec <- c(t_1 = 1.343, t_2 = 5.232) names(my_vec) <- c("new_1","new_2") # evaluting inherent attributes names(my_vec) length(my_vec) typeof(my_vec) ``` ] .pull-right5[ <p align="left"><br><img src="" width="628px" height="190px"></p> ] --- # Types Vectors contains elements of only one type. Most often one of the four **basic types**: `integer`, `double`, `numeric`, and `character`. You can **test** the type using `typeof()` or the type-specific `is.*()`, e.g., `is.integer()`. .pull-left45[ ```r # numeric vectors my_vec <- c(1.343, 5.232) typeof(my_vec) ``` ``` ## [1] "double" ``` ```r # integer vectors (L avoids coercion) my_vec <- c(1L, 7L, 2L) typeof(my_vec) ``` ``` ## [1] "integer" ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # logical vectors my_vec <- c(TRUE, FALSE) typeof(my_vec) ``` ``` ## [1] "logical" ``` ```r # character vectors my_vec <- c('a', 'hello', 'world') typeof(my_vec) ``` ``` ## [1] "character" ``` ] --- # Coercion R allows you to **flexibly change types** into another using `as.*()`, e.g., `as.numeric` or `as.logical`, and often R does this for you. For instance, mathematical operations & functions will coerce logical to double or integer and logical operations (&, |, any, etc) will coerce to a logical. Importantly, coercion may introduce **information loss!** .pull-left45[ ```r # everything becomes character my_vec <- c(1L, 1.23, 'a', TRUE) my_vec ``` ``` ## [1] "1" "1.23" "a" "TRUE" ``` ```r # logicals become 0s and 1s TRUE + FALSE + TRUE ``` ``` ## [1] 2 ``` ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # logical operation -> logical type c(1, 7, 2) > 3 ``` ``` ## [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE ``` ```r # R can parse character as.numeric(c("1", "2", "TRUE")) ``` ``` ## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion ``` ``` ## [1] 1 2 NA ``` ] <!--- # Matrices & Arrays Matrices and arrays are **straightforward extensions** of vectors with 2 (matrix) or *n* dimensions. Both are **atomic** (carry only one type), have names (col-, row-, and dimnames) and dimension attributes Compared to vectors, lists, and data frames, **they usually play a lesser role in most applications**. <p align="center"><br><img src=" and array.png" width="682px" height="381px"></p> ---> --- # `list`s .pull-left45[ + Lists are R's **swiss army knife**. They often are used for outputs of statistical functions e.g., `lm()`. + Lists have **non-flat** structures that take **any object type**, including lists, rendering lists **recursive**. + Lists can be understood as a **meta-vector** that includes an **organizational layer**. + To create a list use `list()` or `as.list()` ] .pull-right45[ <p align="center"><img src="" width="581px" height="307px"></p> ] --- # `data_frame`s .pull-left45[ * Data frames (and its variants, e.g., **tibble**s) are R's **main data format**. * **Data frames are lists** with specific **requirements**: + Every element must be a vector. + The lengths of the vectors must be equal (or multiples of another). * Use `data_frame()` and `as_data_frame` to create or to coerce to data frame, to `tibble` to be exact. ] .pull-right45[ <p align="center"><img src="" width="409px" height="266px"></p> ] --- # Inspecting `data_frame`s Data frames (or `tibbles`) can be inspecting in various ways. - `print()` - shows the default print (good with `tibbles`, bad with everything else) - `head()`,`tail()` - prints the first/last six rows - `str()` - gives an overview of the variables - `View()` - opens Excel-like window <br><br> ``` ## # A tibble: 1,000 x 17 ## id sex age height weight headband college tattoos tchests parrots ## * <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 male 28. 173. 70.5 yes JSSFP 9. 0. 0. ## 2 2 male 31. 209. 106. yes JSSFP 9. 11. 0. ## 3 3 male 26. 170. 77.1 yes CCCC 10. 10. 1. ## 4 4 female 31. 144. 58.5 no JSSFP 2. 0. 2. ## 5 5 female 41. 158. 58.4 yes JSSFP 9. 6. 4. ## 6 6 male 26. 190. 85.4 yes CCCC 7. 19. 0. ## 7 7 female 31. 158. 59.6 yes JSSFP 9. 1. 7. ## 8 8 female 31. 173. 74.5 yes JSSFP 5. 13. 7. ## # ... with 992 more rows, and 7 more variables: favorite.pirate <chr>, ## # sword.type <chr>, eyepatch <dbl>, sword.time <dbl>, beard.length <dbl>, ## # fav.pixar <chr>, grogg <dbl> ``` <!--- .pull-left35[ # Data objects <br> + Objects either contain elements of the **same type** (homogeneous) or **different types** (heterogeneous). <br2> + Homogeneous objects are always **flat**, i.e., contain no nested structure. <br2> + Lists can contain anything, even lists (**recursive**), whereas data frames underly certain restrictions in terms of type and dimensions. ] .pull-right55[ <br><br><br><br><br> <img src="" align="left" width="629" height="374"> ] ---> --- # Accessing & changing vectors To access (aka **subset** or **slicing**) and change atomic data objects use **brackets** `[]` and provide either **integers**, **logicals**, or **names** to indicate the relevant vector content. To change content, assign new content of matching size to subset using ´<-´. .pull-left45[ ```r # retrieve second element from vector my_vec <- c('A', 'B', 'C') my_vec[2] ``` ``` ## [1] "B" ``` ```r # change the second element my_vec[2] <- 'D' my_vec ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "D" "C" ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # Use logical comparison to access vector my_vec[my_vec != 'A'] ``` ``` ## [1] "D" "C" ``` ```r # Change vector using logical comparison my_vec[my_vec != 'A'] <- c('E', 'F') my_vec ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "E" "F" ``` ] --- # Accessing & changing data frames (and lists) Data frames (and lists) are best accessed using **names** and the `$`-operator. This, of course, implies that you followed good practice and named the individual elements in the data object. ```r # define data frame my_df <- data_frame('v_1' = c('A', 'B'), 'v_2' = c(1, 2)) ``` .pull-left45[ ```r # One bad, two correct ways to subset my_df[1] ; my_df[[1]] ; my_df[['v_1']] ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 1 ## v_1 ## <chr> ## 1 A ## 2 B ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "B" ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "B" ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # Best use $-operator to access my_df$v_1 ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "B" ``` ```r # and change my_df$v_1 <- c('Y', 'Z') my_df$v_1 ``` ``` ## [1] "Y" "Z" ``` ] <!--- .pull-left45[ ```r # retrieve element 'a' from vector my_vec <- c(a = 1, b = 4, c = 5) my_vec['a'] ``` ``` ## a ## 1 ``` ```r # change the element my_vec['c'] <- 'D' # change beyond length(my_vec) my_vec['d'] <- 1 ; my_vec ``` ``` ## a b c d ## "1" "4" "D" "1" ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # create matrix my_mat <- matrix(c(1:6), nrow=2) colnames(my_mat) <- c('v_1','v_2','v_3') rownames(my_mat) <- c('c_1','c_2') # retrieve second row from matrix my_mat['c_1', ] ; my_mat['c_1', 'v_2'] ``` ``` ## v_1 v_2 v_3 ## 1 3 5 ``` ``` ## [1] 3 ``` ] # Accessing & changing **complex** objects pt. 1 In accessing and changing complex objects the additional `list`-layer needs to be taken into account. Single brackets `[` will select elements within the list, not the object behind those elements. To select the object behind the element use **double brackets** '[['. Additionaly, complex objects can be conveniently accessed using the **dollor operator `$`**. In order to further descend into the `list`'s structur append **multiple select operators**, e.g., `my_list[[1]][[2]]`. .pull-left45[ ```r # retrieve elements from list my_list <- list('A'=c('A','B'), 'B'=list(c(1,2,3), c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE))) my_list[1] ; my_list[[1]] ; my_list[['A']] ``` ``` ## $A ## [1] "A" "B" ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "B" ``` ``` ## [1] "A" "B" ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # retrieve deep elements in list my_list <- list('A'=c('A','B'), 'B'=list(c(1,2,3), c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE))) my_list[[2]][1] ; my_list[[2]][[1]] # etc ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] 1 2 3 ``` ``` ## [1] 1 2 3 ``` ] # Accessing & changing **complex** objects pt. 2 Data frames can be accessed **exactly like lists**. In addition, data frames allow for a matrix-like access using **single bracket** `[`. Note however that selecting rows using single bracket returns a data frame, whereas for selecting columns returns a vector. .pull-left45[ ```r # retrieve elements from list my_df <- data.frame('v_1'=c('A','B','C'), 'v_2'=c(1,2,3)) my_df[1] ; my_df[[1]] ; my_df[['v_1']] ``` ``` ## v_1 ## 1 A ## 2 B ## 3 C ``` ``` ## [1] A B C ## Levels: A B C ``` ``` ## [1] A B C ## Levels: A B C ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # retrieve elements from list my_df <- data.frame('v_1'=c('A','B','C'), 'v_2'=c(1,2,3)) my_df[1,] ; my_df[,1] ; my_df[1,2] ``` ``` ## v_1 v_2 ## 1 A 1 ``` ``` ## [1] A B C ## Levels: A B C ``` ``` ## [1] 1 ``` ] ---> --- # Functions Functions are objects that conduct operations on objects using objects. Functions have 3 elements: + **Name**: Used to call (execute) the function. + **Argument(s)**: Objects that the function needs to do its job. May have *default arguments*. + **Expression**: R code that does the job. .pull-left5[ ```r # Defining a function that computes # the mean or median my_stat <- function(x, method = 'mean'){ # detect and run method if(method == "mean") return(mean(x)) if(method == "median") return(median(x)) } # Define object my_vec <- c(1, 4, 6, 3, 7, 5, 12, 9) ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # Runnning our functions mean(x = my_vec) ``` ``` ## [1] 5.875 ``` ```r my_stat(x = my_vec, method = 'mean') ``` ``` ## [1] 5.875 ``` ```r my_stat(x = my_vec, method = 'median') ``` ``` ## [1] 5.5 ``` ] --- # Help .pull-left5[ **help files** (and **vignettes**) are very useful. Pay attention to... - `Usage` - shows function's use, its arguments and their defaults. - `Arguments` - explains arguments, and their `type`/`class` - `Value` - explains what the function returns - `Examples` - ```r # To access help files ?name_of_function # search help files ??name_of_function ``` ] .pull-right45[ <p align="center"><img src="" width="500"></p> <!--- <br><br><iframe src="" height="510" width="800" align="center"></iframe> ---> ] --- # Factors Factors are a special case of vector that can contain only **predifined values** so-called `levels`. Factors are **rarely useful** and sometimes **dangerous**, yet R will often coerce `character` to `factor`. Modern packages, include those included in the `tidyverse` tend to avoid factors. Otherwise R can be told excplicitly to avoid factors using `options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)`. .pull-left45[ ```r # create a factor my_fact <- factor(c('A','B','C')) my_fact ``` ``` ## [1] A B C ## Levels: A B C ``` ```r # test type typeof(my_fact) ``` ``` ## [1] "integer" ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # dangerous behavior of factors pt. 1 my_fact <- factor(c('A','B','C')) mean(as.integer(my_fact)) ``` ``` ## [1] 2 ``` ```r # dangerous behavior of factors pt. 2 my_fact <- factor(c(1.32,4.52,.23)) as.numeric(my_fact) # ranks ``` ``` ## [1] 2 3 1 ``` ] --- # Object algebra R has implementations of most operations of **vector and matrix algebra** and it is often desirable to make use of them to improve speed. - .pull-left45[ ```r # create objects my_mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol=3) my_vec <- c(1:3) # object times scale (also a vector) my_mat * 5 ; my_vec * 5 ``` ``` ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 5 20 35 ## [2,] 10 25 40 ## [3,] 15 30 45 ``` ``` ## [1] 5 10 15 ``` ] .pull-right45[ ```r # create objects my_mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol=3) my_vec <- c(1:3) # matrix multiplication my_vec %*% my_mat ``` ``` ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 14 32 50 ``` ] --- # Practical <p><font size=6><b><a href="">Link to practical</a>