class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Choose II ### The R Bootcamp
### July 2018 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span> <a href=""><font color="#7E7E7E">Basel, July 2018</font></a>                                           <a href=""><font color="#7E7E7E"></font></a> </span></div> --- # Choose your adventure! .pull-left45[ <u>Base track</u><br> <font size="8"><hfont>Solutions - Case studies</hfont></font><br> Review the solutions to the following case studies. <high>Clinical trial</high> Analyse a clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of drugs on reducing histamine.<br> <high>Finance</high> Study the development of key financial markets across the last 20 years<br> <high>Sales</high> Analyze sales from a real-world retailer across time and locations.<br> ] .pull-right45[ <u>Advanced track</u><br> <font size="8"><hfont>Advanced Machine Learning</hfont></font><br> Learn... to easily <high>evaluate any machine learning algorithm</high> with one function. to do <high>cross-validation</high> to select model parameters. ]