class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Wrangling ### Introduction to Data Science with R
### October 2018 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"><span> <a href=""><font color="#7E7E7E">Introduction to Data Science with R, October 2018</font></a>                      <a href=""><font color="#7E7E7E"></font></a> </span></div> --- .pull-left4[ # Where you're at... 1 - Loaded packages (like `tidyverse`) with `library()`<br> 2 - Loaded external files as a new dataframe<br> 3 - Explore dataframes 4 - Calculate descriptive statistics on specific columns<br> <br><br><br> What's next?... <high>Wrangling!</high> ] .pull-right55[ <br><br> ```r # Step 0) Load libraries library(tidyverse) # Step 1) Read file called baslers.txt # in a data folder with read_csv() # and save as new object baslers baslers <- read_csv(file = "data/baslers.txt") # Step 2) Explore data View(baslers) # Open in new window dim(baslers) # Show number of rows and columns names(baslers) # Show names # Step 3) Calculate descriptives on named colums mean(baslers$age) # What is the mean age? table(baslers$sex) # How many of each sex? # Step 4) ... ``` ] --- .pull-left45[ # What is wrangling? <font size = 5><high>Transform</high></font> Change column names Add new columns <font size = 5><high>Organise</high></font> Sort data by columns Merging data from two separate dataframes Move data between columns and rows <font size = 5><high>Aggregate and summarise</high></font> Group data and calculate and summary stats *We'll do this tomorrow!* ] .pull-right5[ <br> <p align="center"> <img src="" height = "550px"> </p> ] --- .pull-left45[ # `dplyr` & `tidyr` To wrangle data in R, we will use the `dplyr` and `tidyr` packages. <br> ```r # Load packages individually # install.packages('dplyr') # install.packages('tidyr') library(dplyr) library(tidyr) # Or just use the tidyverse! # install.packages('tidyverse') library(tidyverse) ``` ] .pull-right5[ <br><br><br> <img src="" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # The Pipe! <high>`%>%`</high> .pull-left4[ `dplyr` makes extensive use of a new operator called the "Pipe" <high>`%>%`</high><br> Read the "Pipe" <high>`%>%`</high> as "And Then..." <br> ```r # Start with data data %>% # AND THEN... DO_SOMETHING %>% # AND THEN... DO_SOMETHING %>% # AND THEN... DO_SOMETHING %>% # AND THEN... ``` ] .pull-right55[ <p align="center"> <img src="" width = "450px"><br> This is not a pipe (but %>% is!) </p> ] --- # The Pipe! <high>`%>%`</high> .pull-left4[ Task: Calculate the mean of a vector of `scores` ```r # Create a vector score score <- c(8, 4, 6, 3, 7, 3) ``` Base-R method ```r mean(x = score) ``` ``` ## [1] 5.167 ``` Pipe <high>%>%</high> method ```r score %>% # AND THEN mean() ``` ``` ## [1] 5.167 ``` ] .pull-right55[ <p align="center"> <img src="" height = "400px"> </p> ] --- # The Pipe! <high>`%>%`</high> .pull-left4[ Task: Calculate the mean of a vector of `scores` and round to 1 digit. ```r # Create a vector score score <- c(8, 4, 6, 3, 7, 3) ``` Base-R method ```r round(x = mean(score), digits = 1) ``` ``` ## [1] 5.2 ``` Pipe <high>%>%</high> method ```r score %>% # AND THEN mean() %>% # AND THEN round(digits = 1) ``` ``` ## [1] 5.2 ``` ] .pull-right55[ <p align="center"> <img src="" height = "400px"> </p> ] --- .pull-left35[ # `dplyr` Functions There are <high>dozens of wrangling functions</high> in `dplyr`. For an overview, check out <a href=''></a> <p align="center"> <a href = ''> <img src="" height="270px"></a> <a href= ''> Wrangling Cheat Sheet</a> </p> ] .pull-right65[ <br><br> <p align="center"> <img src="" height="420px"> </p> ] --- # Transformation Functions .pull-left4[ <br> | Function| Description| |:-------------|:----| | `rename()` | Change column names | | `mutate()`| Create a new column from existing columns| | `case_when()`| Recode values from a vector to another| | `left_join()` | Combine multiple dataframes| ] .pull-right55[ <br> ```r patients_df # Demographic data ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id b c ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 ## 2 2 65 2 ## 3 3 57 2 ## 4 4 34 1 ## 5 5 45 2 ``` ] --- # `rename()` .pull-left45[ Change <high>column names</high> with `rename()`. ```r df %>% rename(NEW = OLD, NEW = OLD) ``` ```r patients_df # Original ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id b c ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 ## 2 2 65 2 ## 3 3 57 2 ## 4 4 34 1 ## 5 5 45 2 ``` ] .pull-right45[ Change the old name "b" to "age", and "c" to "arm" ```r # 0) Start with patients_df data patients_df %>% # 1) Change column names with rename() rename(age = b, # New = Old arm = c) # New = Old ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id age arm ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 ## 2 2 65 2 ## 3 3 57 2 ## 4 4 34 1 ## 5 5 45 2 ``` ] --- # `mutate()` .pull-left35[ Calculate <high>new columns</high>, or change existing ones, with `mutate()`. ```r df %>% mutate( NEW1 = DEFINITION1, NEW2 = DEFINITION2, NEW3 = DEFINITION3, ... ) ``` ] .pull-right6[ Calculate two new columns `age_months` and `age_decades` ```r patients_df %>% rename(age = b, arm = c) %>% # AND THEN... # Create new columns with mutate() mutate(age_months = age * 12, age_decades = age / 10) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 5 ## id age arm age_months age_decades ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 444 3.7 ## 2 2 65 2 780 6.5 ## 3 3 57 2 684 5.7 ## 4 4 34 1 408 3.4 ## 5 5 45 2 540 4.5 ``` ] --- # `case_when()` .pull-left4[ Use `case_when()` with `mutate()` to define <high>new columns based on logical conditions</high>. ```r # Using mutate(case_when()) df %>% mutate( NEW = case_when( COND1 ~ VAL1, COND2 ~ VAL2 )) ``` ] .pull-right55[ Create `arm_char`, which shows arm as a meaningful character rather than an integer. ```r patients_df %>% rename(age = b, arm = c) %>% # Create column arm_char based on values of arm mutate(arm_char = case_when(arm == 1 ~ "placebo", arm == 2 ~ "drug")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## id age arm arm_char ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 1 37 1 placebo ## 2 2 65 2 drug ## 3 3 57 2 drug ## 4 4 34 1 placebo ## 5 5 45 2 drug ``` ] --- # Joining data <p align="center"> <img src="" height="450px"> </p> --- # `left_join()` .pull-left35[ Use `left_join()` to <high>combine two data frames</high> based on one or more key columns ```r # Join df2 to df1 # using KEY as the key column df1 %>% left_join(df2, by = c("KEY")) ``` <br2> <p align="center"> <img src="" height="190px"> </p> ] .pull-right6[ ```r # Join patients_df with results_df to create combined_df combined_df <- patients_df %>% rename(age = b, arm = c) %>% mutate(arm_char = case_when(arm == 1 ~ "placebo", arm == 2 ~ "drug")) %>% # Join with results_df with left_join() left_join(results_df, by = "id") # Show a few columns combined_df %>% select(id, arm, age, t1, t2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 5 ## id arm age t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 1 37 123 135 ## 2 2 2 65 143 140 ## 3 3 2 57 NA NA ## 4 4 1 34 100 105 ## 5 5 2 45 NA NA ``` ] --- .pull-left35[ # Keep in mind 1 - Don't forget to start by assigning to a new (or existing) object with <-<br> 2 - Keep adding new functions connected by the pipe <high>%>%</high><br> 3 - Order matters! You can refer to new columns in later code <br><br> ] .pull-right6[ <br><br> ```r # 0) Start with patients_df data combined_df <- patients_df %>% # 1) Change column names with rename() rename(age = b, arm = c) %>% # AND THEN... # 2) Create new columns with mutate() mutate(age_months = age * 12, age_decades = age / 10, arm_char = case_when(arm == 0 ~ "placebo", arm == 1 ~ "drug") ) %>% # AND THEN.. # 3) Add data from results_df with left_join() left_join(results_df, by = "id") ``` ] --- .pull-left5[ # Quiz 1 Do these two chunks do the same thing? ### Chunk A ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) baselers <- baselers %>% rename(weight = weight_kg) ``` ] .pull-right45[ <br><br><br><br><br><br> ### Chunk B ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income, weight = weight_kg) ``` ] --- .pull-left5[ # Quiz 1 Do these two chunks do the same thing? ### Chunk A ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) baselers <- baselers %>% rename(weight = weight_kg) ``` *This is a long way to do it* ] .pull-right45[ <br><br><br><br><br><high>Answer: Yes!</high> ### Chunk B ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income, weight = weight_kg) ``` *This is simpler, you can do multiple rename() operations at the same time* ] --- .pull-left5[ # Quiz 2 Do these two chunks do the same thing? ### Chunk A ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) baselers <- baselers %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` ] .pull-right45[ <br><br><br><br><br><br> ### Chunk B ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` ] --- .pull-left5[ # Quiz 2 Do these two chunks do the same thing? ### Chunk A ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) baselers <- baselers %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` *This is the long way to do multiple operations.* ] .pull-right45[ <br><br><br><br><br><high>Answer: Yes!</high> ### Chunk B ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` *This is the short way that uses the pipe to continue working on the same dataframe* ] --- .pull-left5[ # Quiz 3 Do these two chunks do the same thing? ### Chunk A ```r baselers %>% rename(salary = income) %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` ] .pull-right45[ <br><br><br><br><br><br> ### Chunk B ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` ] --- .pull-left5[ # Quiz 3 Do these two chunks do the same thing? ### Chunk A ```r baselers %>% rename(salary = income) %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` *This just prints a result without changing anything* ] .pull-right45[ <br><br><br><br><br><high>Answer: No!</high> ### Chunk B ```r baselers <- baselers %>% rename(salary = income) %>% mutate(age_months = age * 12) ``` *This actually changes the baselers dataframe because we used assignment <- !* ] --- # Organisation Functions .pull-left35[ Organisation functions help you shuffle your data by <high>sorting rows</high> by columns, <high>filter rows</high> based on criteria, <high>select columns</high> (etc). ] .pull-right6[ | Function| Purpose|Example| |:--------|:----|:-------------| | `arrange()` |Sort rows by columns|`df %>%`<br>`arrange(arm, age)`| | `slice()`| Select rows by location|`df %>%`<br>`slice(1:10)`| | `filter()` | Select specific rows by criteria|`df %>%`<br>`filter(age > 50)`| | `select()`| Select specific columns|`df %>%`<br>`select(arm, t1)`| ] --- # `arrange()` .pull-left4[ Use `arrange()` to <high>arrange (aka, sort) rows</high> in increasing or decreasing order of one (or more) columns. ```r df %>% arrange(A, B) ``` To sort in descending order, use `desc()` ```r df %>% arrange(desc(A), B) ``` ] .pull-right55[ Sort by `arm`. ```r combined_df %>% arrange(arm) # Sort by arm ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 6 ## id age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 placebo 123 135 ## 2 4 34 1 placebo 100 105 ## 3 2 65 2 drug 143 140 ## 4 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 5 5 45 2 drug NA NA ``` ] --- # `arrange()` .pull-left4[ Use `arrange()` to <high>arrange (aka, sort) rows</high> in increasing or decreasing order of one (or more) columns. ```r df %>% arrange(A, B) ``` To sort in descending order, use `desc()` ```r df %>% arrange(desc(A), B) ``` ] .pull-right55[ Sort by `arm` and then `age`. ```r combined_df %>% arrange(arm, age) # Sort by arm then age ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 6 ## id age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 4 34 1 placebo 100 105 ## 2 1 37 1 placebo 123 135 ## 3 5 45 2 drug NA NA ## 4 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 5 2 65 2 drug 143 140 ``` ] --- # `slice()` .pull-left4[ Use `slice()` to <high>select rows</high> (and remove others) by row number. Use functions like `c()`, `a:b` and `seq()` to create row numbers ```r # Specific numbers c(2, 6, 10) ``` ``` ## [1] 2 6 10 ``` ```r # Integers from 0 to 5 0:5 ``` ``` ## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 ``` ] .pull-right55[ Select rows `3` and `5`. ```r # Rows 3 and 5 only combined_df %>% slice(c(3, 5)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 6 ## id age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 2 5 45 2 drug NA NA ``` ] --- # `slice()` .pull-left4[ Use `slice()` to <high>select rows</high> (and remove others) by row number. Use functions like `c()`, `a:b` and `seq()` to create row numbers ```r # Specific numbers c(2, 6, 10) ``` ``` ## [1] 2 6 10 ``` ```r # Integers from 0 to 5 0:5 ``` ``` ## [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 ``` ] .pull-right55[ Select rows `1` through `5`. ```r # First 5 rows combined_df %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 6 ## id age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 placebo 123 135 ## 2 2 65 2 drug 143 140 ## 3 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 4 4 34 1 placebo 100 105 ## 5 5 45 2 drug NA NA ``` ] --- # `filter()` .pull-left4[ Use `filter()` to <high>select rows</high> (and remove others) based on criteria For complex conditions, chain multiple logical comparison operators with `&` (AND) and `|` (OR) <high>`==`</high> - is equal to<br> <high>`<`</high>, <high>`>`</high> - smaller/greater than<br> <high>`≤`</high>, <high>`≥`</high> - smaller/greater than or equal<br> <high>`&`</high>, <high>`&&`</high> - logical AND<br> <high>`|`</high>, <high>`||`</high> - logical OR<br> ] .pull-right55[ Select <i>only</i> patients over `30`. ```r # Filter patients older than 30 combined_df %>% filter(age > 30) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 6 ## id age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 37 1 placebo 123 135 ## 2 2 65 2 drug 143 140 ## 3 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 4 4 34 1 placebo 100 105 ## 5 5 45 2 drug NA NA ``` ] --- # `filter()` .pull-left4[ Use `filter()` to <high>select rows</high> (and remove others) based on criteria For complex conditions, chain multiple logical comparison operators with `&` (AND) and `|` (OR) <high>`==`</high> - is equal to<br> <high>`<`</high>, <high>`>`</high> - smaller/greater than<br> <high>`≤`</high>, <high>`≥`</high> - smaller/greater than or equal<br> <high>`&`</high>, <high>`&&`</high> - logical AND<br> <high>`|`</high>, <high>`||`</high> - logical OR<br> ] .pull-right55[ Select <i>only</i> patients over `30` given drug. ```r # Filter patients older than 30 given drug combined_df %>% filter(age > 30 & arm_char == "drug") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 6 ## id age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2 65 2 drug 143 140 ## 2 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 3 5 45 2 drug NA NA ``` ] --- # `select()` .pull-left4[ Use `select()` to <high>select columns</high> (and remove all others) ```r # Select columns A, B df %>% select(A, B) ``` <high>Remove columns</high> with `-`. ```r # Select everything BUT A df %>% select(-A) ``` ] .pull-right55[ Select columns `id` and `arm` ```r combined_df %>% select(id, arm) # Select id and arm columns ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 2 ## id arm ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 1 ## 2 2 2 ## 3 3 2 ## 4 4 1 ## 5 5 2 ``` ] --- # `select()` .pull-left4[ Use `select()` to <high>select columns</high> (and remove all others) ```r # Select columns A, B df %>% select(A, B) ``` <high>Remove columns</high> with `-`. ```r # Select everything BUT A df %>% select(-A) ``` ] .pull-right55[ Select everything <i>except</i> id ```r combined_df %>% select(-id) # Everything BUT id ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 5 ## age arm arm_char t1 t2 ## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 37 1 placebo 123 135 ## 2 65 2 drug 143 140 ## 3 57 2 drug NA NA ## 4 34 1 placebo 100 105 ## 5 45 2 drug NA NA ``` ] --- # Quiz 4 .pull-left45[ Here is part of the baselers dataframe ```r baselers %>% select(id, sex, age, height) %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## id sex age height ## <int> <chr> <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 male 44 174. ## 2 2 male 65 180. ## 3 3 female 31 168. ## 4 4 male 27 209 ## 5 5 male 24 177. ``` ] .pull-right5[ How do I calculate the following table of the top 5 tallest Baselers? ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id height sex ## <int> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 9676 219. male ## 2 5623 213. male ## 3 7214 213. male ## 4 7059 212. male ## 5 9538 210. male ``` ] --- # Quiz 4 .pull-left45[ Here is part of the baselers dataframe ```r baselers %>% select(id, sex, age, height) %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## id sex age height ## <int> <chr> <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 male 44 174. ## 2 2 male 65 180. ## 3 3 female 31 168. ## 4 4 male 27 209 ## 5 5 male 24 177. ``` ] .pull-right5[ How do I calculate the following table of the top 5 tallest Baselers? ```r baselers %>% arrange(desc(height)) %>% select(id, height, sex) %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id height sex ## <int> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 9676 219. male ## 2 5623 213. male ## 3 7214 213. male ## 4 7059 212. male ## 5 9538 210. male ``` ] --- # Quiz 5 .pull-left45[ Here is part of the baselers dataframe ```r baselers %>% select(id, sex, age, height) %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## id sex age height ## <int> <chr> <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 male 44 174. ## 2 2 male 65 180. ## 3 3 female 31 168. ## 4 4 male 27 209 ## 5 5 male 24 177. ``` ] .pull-right5[ How do I calculate the following table of the top 5 tallest *female* Baselers? ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id height sex ## <int> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 6936 198. female ## 2 8450 196. female ## 3 385 196. female ## 4 3203 195. female ## 5 4392 194 female ``` ] --- # Quiz 5 .pull-left45[ Here is part of the baselers dataframe ```r baselers %>% select(id, sex, age, height) %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## id sex age height ## <int> <chr> <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 male 44 174. ## 2 2 male 65 180. ## 3 3 female 31 168. ## 4 4 male 27 209 ## 5 5 male 24 177. ``` ] .pull-right5[ How do I calculate the following table of the top 5 tallest *female* Baselers? ```r baselers %>% filter(sex == "female") %>% arrange(desc(height)) %>% select(id, height, sex) %>% slice(1:5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 3 ## id height sex ## <int> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 6936 198. female ## 2 8450 196. female ## 3 385 196. female ## 4 3203 195. female ## 5 4392 194 female ``` ] --- # Reshaping data .pull-left45[ Two key functions that allow you to <high>`reshape`</high> a dataframe between 'wide'and 'long' formats. Some functions require data to be in a certain shape. #### Two key tidyr functions | Function | Result | |:----------|:-------| |`gather()`|Move data from 'wide' to 'long' format| |`spread()`|Move data from 'long' to 'wide' format| ] .pull-right5[ <high>Wide vs. Long</high> data ```r # Wide format stock_w ``` ``` ## id t1 t2 ## 1 a 10 20 ## 2 b 20 26 ## 3 c 15 30 ``` ```r # Long format stock_l ``` ``` ## id time measure ## 1 a t1 10 ## 2 b t1 20 ## 3 c t1 15 ## 4 a t2 20 ## 5 b t2 26 ## 6 c t2 30 ``` ] --- .pull-left45[ # `gather()` ```r # Show wide data stock_w ``` ``` ## id t1 t2 ## 1 a 10 20 ## 2 b 20 26 ## 3 c 15 30 ``` ```r # "Gather" wide data to long stock_w %>% gather(time, # New group column measure, # New target column -id) # ID column ``` ``` ## id time measure ## 1 a t1 10 ## 2 b t1 20 ## 3 c t1 15 ## 4 a t2 20 ## 5 b t2 26 ## 6 c t2 30 ``` ] .pull-right45[ # `spread()` ```r # Show long data stock_l ``` ``` ## id time measure ## 1 a t1 10 ## 2 b t1 20 ## 3 c t1 15 ## 4 a t2 20 ## 5 b t2 26 ## 6 c t2 30 ``` ```r # "Spread" long data to wide stock_l %>% spread(time, # Old group column measure) # Old target column ``` ``` ## id t1 t2 ## 1 a 10 20 ## 2 b 20 26 ## 3 c 15 30 ``` ] --- .pull-left4[ # Summary 1 - Start by assigning your result to a new object to save it! 2 - "Keep the pipe <high>%>%</high> going" to continue working with your data frame. 3 - The output of dplyr functions will (almost) always be a <high>tibble</high>. 4 - You can almost always include <high>multiple operations</high> within each function. ] .pull-right55[ <br><br><br> ```r # Assign result to baslers_agg baslers_agg <- baselers %>% # Change column names with rename() rename(age_years = age, weight_kg = weight) %>% # PIPE! # Select specific rows with filter() filter(age_years < 40) %>% # PIPE! # Create new columns witb mutate() mutate(debt_ratio = debt / income) ``` ] --- # Practical <p> <font size=6> <a href=""><b>Link to practical<b></a> </font> </p>