class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # What is ML? ### Machine Learning with R
The R Bootcamp @ DHLab
### November 2020 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span style="text-align:center"> <span> <img src="" height=14 style="vertical-align: middle"/> </span> <a href=""> <span style="padding-left:82px"> <font color="#7E7E7E"> </font> </span> </a> <a href=""> <font color="#7E7E7E"> Machine Learning with R | November 2020 </font> </a> </span> </div> --- class: middle, center # What do you think? No Googling :) --- # What is machine learning? .pull-left45[ <ul> <li class="m1"><span><b>Machine learning is</b>...</span></li><br> <ul class="level"> <li><span> <high>area of artificial intelligence</high>...</span></li><br> <li><span>...that uses <high>statistical methods</high>...</span></li><br> <li><span> computers to <high>learn</high>...</span></li><br> <li><span>...i.e., to iteratively <high>improve</high> task performance...</span></li><br> <li><span>...on the basis of available <high>data</high>.</span></li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right45[ <p align = "center"> <img src="image/ml_robot.jpg" height=380px><br> <font style="font-size:10px">from <a href=""></a></font> </p> ] --- .pull-left5[ # Easy to confuse <ul> <li class="m1"><span><b>AI</b></span></li><br> <li class="m2"><span><b>Statistics</b></span></li><br> <li class="m3"><span><b>Big Data</b></span></li><br> <li class="m4"><span><b>Data Science</b></span></li> </ul> ] .pull-right4[ <br><br><br><br><br> <p align = "center"> <img src="image/areas.png" height=390px><br> </p> ] --- .pull-left5[ # Easy to confuse <ul> <li class="m1"><span><b>AI</b></span></li> <ul class="level"> <li><span><high>Intelligence demonstrated by machines</high>, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals.</span></li> </ul> <li class="m2"><span><b>Statistics</b></span></li> <ul class="level"> <li><span><high>Branch of mathematics</high> dealing with data collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation.</span></li> </ul> <li class="m3"><span><b>Big Data</b></span></li> <ul class="level"> <li><span>Deals with data sets that are <high>too large or complex</high> to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application software.</span></li> </ul> <li class="m4"><span><b>Data Science</b></span></li> <ul class="level"> <li><span>A multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to <high>extract knowledge and insights</high> from structured and unstructured data.</span></li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right4[ <br><br><br><br><br> <p align = "center"> <img src="image/areas.png" height=390px><br> </p> ] --- # ML's origin <div align="center"> <iframe width="800" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> --- .pull-left3[ # Types of machine learning tasks <ul> <li class="m1"><span>There are many types of machine learning tasks, each of which call for different models.</span></li> <li class="m2"><span><high>We will focus on supervised machine learning</high>.</span></li> </ul> ] .pull-right65[ <br><br> <p align = "center"> <img src="image/mltypes.png" height=500px><br> <font style="font-size:10px">from <a href="image/mltypes.png"></a></font> </p> ] --- # Data terminology .pull-left5[ <p> <table style="cellspacing:0; cellpadding:0; border:none; padding-top:10px"> <tr> <td bgcolor="white"> <b>Term</b> </td> <td bgcolor="white"> <b>Definition</b> </td> <td bgcolor="white"> <b>Example</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="white"> <i>Case<br><font style="font-size:12px">(Fall)</font></i> </td> <td bgcolor="white"> Die <high>Unit of observation</high> in data. </td> <td bgcolor="white"> A patient, a site, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="white"> <i>Feature<br><font style="font-size:12px">(variable, predictor)</font></i> </td> <td bgcolor="white"> A measurable <high>property</high> of <i>cases</i>. </td> <td bgcolor="white"> Age, temperature, country, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="white"> <i>Criterion<br><font style="font-size:12px">(variable, criterion)</font></i> </td> <td bgcolor="white"> The <high>Feature</high> that you want to <high>predict</high>. </td> <td bgcolor="white"> Heart attack, sales, etc. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="white"> <i>Data</i> </td> <td bgcolor="white"> Typically <high>rectangular</high> with <high>Cases in rows</high> and <high>Features in columns</high>. </td> <td bgcolor="white"> <mono>.csv</mono>, <mono>.xls</mono>, <mono>.sav</mono>, etc. </td> </tr> </table> </p> ] .pull-right4[ <p align = "center"> <img src="image/terminology.png"><br> </p> ] --- # Supervised learning .pull-left4[ <ul> <li class="m1"><span>The <high>dominant type</high> of machine learning.</span></li> <li class="m2"><span>Supervised learning uses <high>labeled data</high> to learn <high>a model</high> that relates the criterion to the features.</span></li> </ul> ] .pull-right5[ <p align = "center"> <img src="image/supervised.png"><br> </p> ] --- # 3 key (supervised) models <p align = "center" style="padding-top:20px"> <img src="image/models.png"><br> </p> --- # 2 types of supervised problems .pull-left5[ <ul> <li class="m1"><span><b>Regression</b></span></li> <br> <ul class="level"> <li><span>Prediction of a <high>quantitative criterion</high>.</span></li><br> <li><span><i>Predict level cholesterol with age</i></span></li> </ul><br> <li class="m2"><span><b>Classification</b></span></li> <br> <ul class="level"> <li><span>Prediction of a <high>categorical criterion</high>.</span></li><br> <li><span><i>Predict heart attack yes or no</i></span></li> </ul><br> </ul> ] .pull-right4[ <p align = "center"> <img src="image/twotypes.png" height=440px><br> </p> ] --- # Unsupervised learning .pull-left5[ <ul> <li class="m1"><span>Analyses relationships between cases or features to <high>discover hidden structures</high>.</span></li><br> <ul class="level"> <li><span><high>Dimensionality reduction</high>: Group features on the basis of correlations into a smaller number of synthetic features.</span></li><br> <li><span><high>Clustering</high>: Group cases on the basis of similarities/distances into clusters.</span></li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right4[ <p align = "center" height=380px> <img src="image/iris_kmeans.png" height=400px><br> </p> ] --- # Reinforcement learning .pull-left5[ <ul> <li class="m1"><span>Domain <high>between supervised and unsupervised</high> learning.</span></li><br> <li class="m2"><span><high>Learns iteratively</high> on the basis of (minimal) feedback.</span></li><br> <li class="m3"><span>Used in:</span></li> <ul class="level"><br> <li><span>Modell fitting.</span></li><br> <li><span>Robotics.</span></li><br> <li><span>Games: Chess, Go, or Mario Kart.</span></li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right4[ <p align = "center"> <img src="image/roboarm.gif" width=320px><br> <font style="font-size:10px">from <a href=""></a></font> </p> <p align = "center"> <img src="image/mariokart.gif" width=320px><br> <font style="font-size:10px">from <a href=""></a></font> </p> ] --- # Machine learning is more than algorithms <p align = "center"> <img src="image/mlsteps.png" height=440px><br> <font style="font-size:10px">from <a href=""></a></font> </p> --- class: middle, center <h1><a href="">Project</a></h1> --- class: middle, center <h1><a href=>Schedule</a></h1>