1 Eingangsfragebogen

Please take a couple minutes to fill out this survey (2-3 min): Suvey

2 Install Base-R und RStudio on your computer

Please install Base-R and RStudio prior to the course. Please let me know if you run into problems.

Step 1: Install Base-R
Windows, Mac

Step 2: Install RStudio
Windows, Mac

3 Install additional Software

The following tools are necessary to work with some packages.

Windows: Rtools
Mac: gfortran, clang-7.0.0

4 Install packages

Run the following link within R to install packages we will use in the course.


5 Zoom

The workshop will be held over Zoom. If you do not have an account yet, please register here, download and install the client.

We will start at 9am sharp. Please be there 5-10min prior to the beginning of the course so that we can rule out any technical difficulties and start on time.

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