from from


By the end of this practical you will:

  1. Understand the importance of the curse of dimensionality.
  2. Know how to eliminate unwanted features.
  3. Explore and use feature importance.
  4. Use dimensionality reduction.


A - Setup

  1. Open your BaselRBootcamp R project. It should already have the folders 1_Data and 2_Code. Make sure that the data file(s) listed in the Datasets section are in your 1_Data folder.

  2. Open a new R script. At the top of the script, using comments, write your name and the date. Save it as a new file called Features_practical.R in the 2_Code folder.

  3. Using library() load the set of packages for this practical listed in the packages section above.

# Load packages necessary for this script
  1. In the code below, we will load each of the data sets listed in the Datasets as new objects.
# Pima Indians diabetes
pima_diabetes <- read_csv(file = "1_Data/pima_diabetes.csv")

# (Non-) violent crime statistics
violent_crime    <- read_csv(file = "1_Data/violent_crime.csv")
nonviolent_crime <- read_csv(file = "1_Data/nonviolent_crime.csv")

# murders crime statistics
murders_crime <- read_csv(file = "1_Data/murders_crime.csv")

B - Pima Indians Diabetes

In this section, you will explore feature selection for the Pima Indians Diabetes data set. The Pima are a group of Native Americans living in Arizona. A genetic predisposition allowed this group to survive normally to a diet poor of carbohydrates for years. In the recent years, because of a sudden shift from traditional agricultural crops to processed foods, together with a decline in physical activity, made them develop the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes. For this reason they have been subject of many studies.

  1. Take a look at the first few rows of the pima diabetes data frame by printing then to the console.
# A tibble: 724 x 7
   diabetes pregnant glucose pressure  mass pedigree   age
   <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
 1 pos             6     148       72  33.6    0.627    50
 2 neg             1      85       66  26.6    0.351    31
 3 pos             8     183       64  23.3    0.672    32
 4 neg             1      89       66  28.1    0.167    21
 5 pos             0     137       40  43.1    2.29     33
 6 neg             5     116       74  25.6    0.201    30
 7 pos             3      78       50  31      0.248    26
 8 pos             2     197       70  30.5    0.158    53
 9 neg             4     110       92  37.6    0.191    30
10 pos            10     168       74  38      0.537    34
# … with 714 more rows
  1. Print the numbers of rows and columns of each data set using the dim() function.
[1] 724   7
  1. Look at the names of the data frame with the names() function.
[1] "diabetes" "pregnant" "glucose"  "pressure" "mass"     "pedigree"
[7] "age"     
  1. Open the data set in a new window using View(). Do they look OK?


  1. Before we begin, we need to make sure that we have a separate hold-out data set for later. Create pima_train and pima_test using the createDataPartition() function. Set p = .15 to select (only) 15% of cases for the training set. See code below. Also, store the variable diabetes from the test set as a factor, which will be the criterion.
# split index
train_index <- createDataPartition(XX$XX, p = .15, list = FALSE)

# train and test sets
pima_train <- XX %>% slice(train_index)
pima_test  <- XX %>% slice(-train_index)

# test criterion
criterion <- as.factor(pima_test$XX)
# split index
train_index <- createDataPartition(pima_diabetes$diabetes, p = .15, list = FALSE)

# train and test sets
pima_train <- pima_diabetes %>% slice(train_index)
pima_test  <- pima_diabetes %>% slice(-train_index)

# test criterion
criterion <- as.factor(pima_test$diabetes)

Remove unwanted features

OK, with the training set, let’s get to work and remove some features.

  1. First split the training data into a data frame holding the predictors and a vector holding the criterion using the template below.
# Select predictors
pima_train_pred <- pima_train %>% select(-XX)

# Select criterion
pima_train_crit <- pima_train %>% pull(XX)
# Select predictors
pima_train_pred <- pima_train %>% select(-diabetes)

# Select criterion
pima_train_crit <- pima_train %>% pull(diabetes)
  1. Although, this data set is rather small and well curated, test using the template below whether there are any excessively correlated features using cor() and findCorrelation(). Are there any?
# determine correlation matrix
corr_matrix <- cor(XX_pred)

# find excessively correlated variables
# determine correlation matrix
corr_matrix <- cor(pima_train_pred)

# find excessively correlated variables
  1. Now, test if there are any near-zero variance features using the nearZeroVar function. Any of those?
# find near zero variance predictors
# find near zero variance predictors

Feature importance

As we identified no problems with the features in our data set, we have retained all of them. In this section, you will carry out feature selection on grounds of feature importance. To do this, we first need to fit a model on the basis of which we can determine the importance of features. How about using a simple logistic regression aka method = "glm"?

  1. Fit a glm model to the training data.
# fit regression
pima_glm <- train(diabetes ~ .,
                data = XX,
                method = XX
# fit regression
pima_glm <- train(diabetes ~ .,
                data = pima_train,
                method = "glm")
  1. Evaluate feature importance using varImp(). The function will show importance on a scale from 0 (least important feature) to 100 (most important feature). You can set scale = TRUE to see absolute importance measures scaled as t-values.
# determine variable importance
varimp_glm <- varImp(XX)

# print variable importance

# print variable importance
# determine variable importance
varimp_glm <- varImp(pima_glm)

# print variable importance
glm variable importance

glucose   100.00
mass       76.21
age        52.67
pregnant   10.72
pedigree    2.02
pressure    0.00
# print variable importance

Model comparison

Now, let’s create a second model using the best features and compare performances.

  1. Fit the glm a second time, this time using only the four best features and store the result in a different fit object.
# fit glm with best four features
pima_glm4 <- train(diabetes ~ XX + YY + ZZ + AA,
                data = XX,
                method = XX)
# fit glm with best four features
pima_glm4 <- train(diabetes ~ glucose + mass + pregnant + pedigree,
                data = pima_train,
                method = "glm")
  1. Using the fit of the model containing all features versus the one using the best four, predict the criterion and evaluate the prediction using confusionMatrix(). Which model model is better?
# determine predictions for test data
pima_glm_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)
pima_glm4_pred <- predict(XX, newdata = XX)

# evaluate the results
confusionMatrix(XX, reference = XX)
confusionMatrix(XX, reference = XX)
# determine predictions for test data
pima_glm_pred <- predict(pima_glm, newdata = pima_test)
pima_glm4_pred <- predict(pima_glm4, newdata = pima_test)

# evaluate the results
confusionMatrix(pima_glm_pred, criterion)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction neg pos
       neg 344  89
       pos  59 122
               Accuracy : 0.759         
                 95% CI : (0.723, 0.792)
    No Information Rate : 0.656         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 2.34e-08      
                  Kappa : 0.447         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0171        
            Sensitivity : 0.854         
            Specificity : 0.578         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.794         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.674         
             Prevalence : 0.656         
         Detection Rate : 0.560         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.705         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.716         
       'Positive' Class : neg           
confusionMatrix(pima_glm4_pred, criterion)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction neg pos
       neg 353  96
       pos  50 115
               Accuracy : 0.762         
                 95% CI : (0.727, 0.795)
    No Information Rate : 0.656         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 8.3e-09       
                  Kappa : 0.444         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.000196      
            Sensitivity : 0.876         
            Specificity : 0.545         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.786         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.697         
             Prevalence : 0.656         
         Detection Rate : 0.575         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.731         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.710         
       'Positive' Class : neg           
  1. You might have observed that the model with two fewer features is actually slightly better than the full model (if this is not the case, keep in mind that the partitioning of the dataset was done randomly, i.e., if you do it a second time, your results may slightly change). Why do you think this is the case?

  2. Play around: Up the proportion dedicated to training or use a different model, e.g., random forest, and see whether things change.

C - Murders

In this section, you will explore feature selection using a different data set. The data combines socio-economic data from the US ’90 Census, data from Law Enforcement Management and Admin Stats survey, and crime data from the FB. The gaol of this section is to use various socio-demographic variables to predict whether murders have been committed (murders), the criterion of this exercise.

  1. Take a look at the first few rows of the murders_crime data frame by printing them to the console.
# A tibble: 1,823 x 102
   murders population householdsize racepctblack racePctWhite racePctAsian
   <chr>        <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>
 1 yes          27591          2.63         0.17         94.8         1.6 
 2 yes          36830          2.6         42.4          53.7         0.54
 3 yes          23928          2.6         11.0          81.3         1.78
 4 no           15675          2.59         4.08         84.1         0.54
 5 yes          96086          3.19         8.54         59.8        17.2 
 6 no           48622          2.44         3.14         95.5         0.77
 7 no           10444          3.02         0.41         98.9         0.39
 8 yes         222103          2.49        11.4          82.4         3.77
 9 no           15535          2.35        14.9          84.6         0.32
10 yes          24664          2.73        13.7          85.0         0.53
# … with 1,813 more rows, and 96 more variables: racePctHisp <dbl>,
#   agePct12t21 <dbl>, agePct12t29 <dbl>, agePct16t24 <dbl>,
#   agePct65up <dbl>, numbUrban <dbl>, pctUrban <dbl>, medIncome <dbl>,
#   pctWWage <dbl>, pctWFarmSelf <dbl>, pctWInvInc <dbl>,
#   pctWSocSec <dbl>, pctWPubAsst <dbl>, pctWRetire <dbl>,
#   medFamInc <dbl>, perCapInc <dbl>, whitePerCap <dbl>,
#   blackPerCap <dbl>, indianPerCap <dbl>, AsianPerCap <dbl>,
#   HispPerCap <dbl>, NumUnderPov <dbl>, PctPopUnderPov <dbl>,
#   PctLess9thGrade <dbl>, PctNotHSGrad <dbl>, PctBSorMore <dbl>,
#   PctUnemployed <dbl>, PctEmploy <dbl>, PctEmplManu <dbl>,
#   PctEmplProfServ <dbl>, PctOccupManu <dbl>, PctOccupMgmtProf <dbl>,
#   MalePctDivorce <dbl>, MalePctNevMarr <dbl>, FemalePctDiv <dbl>,
#   TotalPctDiv <dbl>, PersPerFam <dbl>, PctFam2Par <dbl>,
#   PctKids2Par <dbl>, PctYoungKids2Par <dbl>, PctTeen2Par <dbl>,
#   PctWorkMomYoungKids <dbl>, PctWorkMom <dbl>,
#   NumKidsBornNeverMar <dbl>, PctKidsBornNeverMar <dbl>, NumImmig <dbl>,
#   PctImmigRecent <dbl>, PctImmigRec5 <dbl>, PctImmigRec8 <dbl>,
#   PctImmigRec10 <dbl>, PctRecentImmig <dbl>, PctRecImmig5 <dbl>,
#   PctRecImmig8 <dbl>, PctRecImmig10 <dbl>, PctSpeakEnglOnly <dbl>,
#   PctNotSpeakEnglWell <dbl>, PctLargHouseFam <dbl>,
#   PctLargHouseOccup <dbl>, PersPerOccupHous <dbl>,
#   PersPerOwnOccHous <dbl>, PersPerRentOccHous <dbl>,
#   PctPersOwnOccup <dbl>, PctPersDenseHous <dbl>, PctHousLess3BR <dbl>,
#   MedNumBR <dbl>, HousVacant <dbl>, PctHousOccup <dbl>,
#   PctHousOwnOcc <dbl>, PctVacantBoarded <dbl>, PctVacMore6Mos <dbl>,
#   MedYrHousBuilt <dbl>, PctHousNoPhone <dbl>, PctWOFullPlumb <dbl>,
#   OwnOccLowQuart <dbl>, OwnOccMedVal <dbl>, OwnOccHiQuart <dbl>,
#   OwnOccQrange <dbl>, RentLowQ <dbl>, RentMedian <dbl>, RentHighQ <dbl>,
#   RentQrange <dbl>, MedRent <dbl>, MedRentPctHousInc <dbl>,
#   MedOwnCostPctInc <dbl>, MedOwnCostPctIncNoMtg <dbl>,
#   NumInShelters <dbl>, NumStreet <dbl>, PctForeignBorn <dbl>,
#   PctBornSameState <dbl>, PctSameHouse85 <dbl>, PctSameCity85 <dbl>,
#   PctSameState85 <dbl>, LandArea <dbl>, PopDens <dbl>,
#   PctUsePubTrans <dbl>, LemasPctOfficDrugUn <dbl>
  1. Print the numbers of rows and columns of each data set using the dim() function.
[1] 1823  102
  1. Look at the names of the data frame with the names() function.
  [1] "murders"               "population"           
  [3] "householdsize"         "racepctblack"         
  [5] "racePctWhite"          "racePctAsian"         
  [7] "racePctHisp"           "agePct12t21"          
  [9] "agePct12t29"           "agePct16t24"          
 [11] "agePct65up"            "numbUrban"            
 [13] "pctUrban"              "medIncome"            
 [15] "pctWWage"              "pctWFarmSelf"         
 [17] "pctWInvInc"            "pctWSocSec"           
 [19] "pctWPubAsst"           "pctWRetire"           
 [21] "medFamInc"             "perCapInc"            
 [23] "whitePerCap"           "blackPerCap"          
 [25] "indianPerCap"          "AsianPerCap"          
 [27] "HispPerCap"            "NumUnderPov"          
 [29] "PctPopUnderPov"        "PctLess9thGrade"      
 [31] "PctNotHSGrad"          "PctBSorMore"          
 [33] "PctUnemployed"         "PctEmploy"            
 [35] "PctEmplManu"           "PctEmplProfServ"      
 [37] "PctOccupManu"          "PctOccupMgmtProf"     
 [39] "MalePctDivorce"        "MalePctNevMarr"       
 [41] "FemalePctDiv"          "TotalPctDiv"          
 [43] "PersPerFam"            "PctFam2Par"           
 [45] "PctKids2Par"           "PctYoungKids2Par"     
 [47] "PctTeen2Par"           "PctWorkMomYoungKids"  
 [49] "PctWorkMom"            "NumKidsBornNeverMar"  
 [51] "PctKidsBornNeverMar"   "NumImmig"             
 [53] "PctImmigRecent"        "PctImmigRec5"         
 [55] "PctImmigRec8"          "PctImmigRec10"        
 [57] "PctRecentImmig"        "PctRecImmig5"         
 [59] "PctRecImmig8"          "PctRecImmig10"        
 [61] "PctSpeakEnglOnly"      "PctNotSpeakEnglWell"  
 [63] "PctLargHouseFam"       "PctLargHouseOccup"    
 [65] "PersPerOccupHous"      "PersPerOwnOccHous"    
 [67] "PersPerRentOccHous"    "PctPersOwnOccup"      
 [69] "PctPersDenseHous"      "PctHousLess3BR"       
 [71] "MedNumBR"              "HousVacant"           
 [73] "PctHousOccup"          "PctHousOwnOcc"        
 [75] "PctVacantBoarded"      "PctVacMore6Mos"       
 [77] "MedYrHousBuilt"        "PctHousNoPhone"       
 [79] "PctWOFullPlumb"        "OwnOccLowQuart"       
 [81] "OwnOccMedVal"          "OwnOccHiQuart"        
 [83] "OwnOccQrange"          "RentLowQ"             
 [85] "RentMedian"            "RentHighQ"            
 [87] "RentQrange"            "MedRent"              
 [89] "MedRentPctHousInc"     "MedOwnCostPctInc"     
 [91] "MedOwnCostPctIncNoMtg" "NumInShelters"        
 [93] "NumStreet"             "PctForeignBorn"       
 [95] "PctBornSameState"      "PctSameHouse85"       
 [97] "PctSameCity85"         "PctSameState85"       
 [99] "LandArea"              "PopDens"              
[101] "PctUsePubTrans"        "LemasPctOfficDrugUn"  
  1. Open the data set in a new window using View(). Do they look OK?


  1. Again, let us first create a hold-out data set for later. Create murders_train and murders_test using createDataPartition() with (only) 25% of cases going into the training set. Also store the variable murders from the test, i.e., the criterion, and turn into a factor using as.factor().
# split index
train_index <- createDataPartition(murders_crime$murders, p = .25, list = FALSE)

# train and test sets
murders_train <- murders_crime %>% slice(train_index)
murders_test  <- murders_crime %>% slice(-train_index)

# test criterion
criterion <- as.factor(murders_test$murders)

Remove unwanted features

Before we start modeling, let us get to work and remove some features from the training set.

  1. To this end, first split the training data into a data frame holding the predictors and the criterion in the same way you have done this above.
# Select predictors
murders_train_pred <- murders_train %>% select(-murders)

# Select criterion
murders_train_crit <- murders_train %>% select(murders) %>% pull()
  1. Test if there are any excessively correlated features using cor() and findCorrelation(). Are there any this time?
# determine correlation matrix
corr_matrix <- cor(murders_train_pred)

# find excessively correlated variables
 [1] 11 17 27 30 41 44 51 53 54 55 57 58 59 61 64 71 84 85 87  7  8 13 20
[24] 21 31 38 43  1 62 67 79 80 81
  1. Using the code below, remove the excessively correlated features from the training predictor set.
# remove features
murders_train_pred <- murders_train_pred %>% select(- XX)
# remove features
murders_train_pred <- murders_train_pred %>% 
  1. Test if there are any near-zero variance features. Any of those this time?
# find near zero variance predictors
  1. You should have found that there were plenty of excessively correlated features but no near-zero variance features. Provided that you excluded some of the former, bind the reduced predictor set back together with the criterion into a new, clean version of the training set. See template below.
# clean training set
murders_train_clean <- murders_train_pred %>% 
  add_column(murders = XX)
# combine clean predictor set with criterion
murders_train_clean <- murders_train_pred %>% 
  add_column(murders = murders_train_crit)

Model comparison

  1. Let us find out whether excluding some of the highly correlated features matters. Fit a glm twice, once using the original training set and once using the clean training set, and store the fits in separate objects. See template below.
# fit glm
murders_glm <- train(murders ~ .,
                     data = XX,
                     method = "glm")

# fit glm with clean data
murders_glm_clean <- train(murders ~ .,
                           data = XX,
                           method = "glm")
# fit glm
murders_glm <- train(murders ~ .,
                     data = murders_train,
                     method = "glm")

# fit glm with clean data
murders_glm_clean <- train(murders ~ .,
                           data = murders_train_clean,
                           method = "glm")
  1. You probably have noticed warning messages. They concern the very fact that the features in both data sets, but especially the non-clean set, are still too highly correlated. Go ahead and evaluate the performance on the hold-out set. Which set of features predicts better?
# determine predictions for test data
murders_pred <- predict(murders_glm, newdata = murders_test)
murders_clean_pred <- predict(murders_glm_clean, newdata = murders_test)

# evaluate the results
confusionMatrix(murders_pred, criterion)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  no yes
       no  446 192
       yes 184 545
               Accuracy : 0.725       
                 95% CI : (0.7, 0.748)
    No Information Rate : 0.539       
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16      
                  Kappa : 0.447       
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.718       
            Sensitivity : 0.708       
            Specificity : 0.739       
         Pos Pred Value : 0.699       
         Neg Pred Value : 0.748       
             Prevalence : 0.461       
         Detection Rate : 0.326       
   Detection Prevalence : 0.467       
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.724       
       'Positive' Class : no          
confusionMatrix(murders_clean_pred, criterion)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  no yes
       no  471 199
       yes 159 538
               Accuracy : 0.738         
                 95% CI : (0.714, 0.761)
    No Information Rate : 0.539         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16        
                  Kappa : 0.475         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0393        
            Sensitivity : 0.748         
            Specificity : 0.730         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.703         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.772         
             Prevalence : 0.461         
         Detection Rate : 0.345         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.490         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.739         
       'Positive' Class : no            

Data compression with PCA

  1. Given the high features correlations, it is sensible to compress the data using principal component analysis (PCA). Create a third fit object using the original, full training set using again method = glm and in addition preProcess = c('pca') and trControl = trainControl(preProcOptions = list(thresh = 0.8)) in the training function. These additional settings instruct R to extract new features from the data using PCA and to retain only as many features as are needed to capture 80% of the original variance.
# fit glm with preprocessed features
murders_glm_pca = train(murders ~ .,
                        data = murders_train,
                        method = "glm",
                        preProcess = c("pca"),
                        trControl = trainControl(preProcOptions = list(thresh = 0.8)))
  1. Compare the prediction performance to the previous two models.
# determine predictions for test data
murders_pca <- predict(murders_glm_pca, newdata = murders_test)

# evaluate the results
confusionMatrix(murders_pca, criterion)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  no yes
       no  490 196
       yes 140 541
               Accuracy : 0.754        
                 95% CI : (0.73, 0.777)
    No Information Rate : 0.539        
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.509        
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0027       
            Sensitivity : 0.778        
            Specificity : 0.734        
         Pos Pred Value : 0.714        
         Neg Pred Value : 0.794        
             Prevalence : 0.461        
         Detection Rate : 0.358        
   Detection Prevalence : 0.502        
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.756        
       'Positive' Class : no           
  1. Play around: Alter the amount of variance explained by the PCA (using thresh), increase the proportion dedicated to training, use a different model, e.g., random forest, and see whether things change.

Feature importance

  1. Now let’s find out, which features are most important for predicting murders. Using varImp(), evaluate the feature importance for each of the three models used in the previous section.
# determine variable importance
varimp_glm <- varImp(murders_glm)
varimp_glm_clean <- varImp(murders_glm_clean)
varimp_glm_pca <- varImp(murders_glm_pca)

# print variable importance
glm variable importance

  only 20 most important variables shown (out of 99)

PctForeignBorn        100.0
PctNotSpeakEnglWell    98.2
pctWRetire             97.8
PersPerFam             85.7
PctKidsBornNeverMar    82.0
racepctblack           81.1
PctFam2Par             81.1
PctHousNoPhone         75.6
NumUnderPov            74.3
racePctAsian           73.6
NumStreet              71.7
agePct12t21            69.4
PctKids2Par            65.7
PctBornSameState       63.2
population             58.8
PctOccupManu           57.9
pctWSocSec             57.8
PctEmplManu            56.2
MedRentPctHousInc      52.7
blackPerCap            50.1
glm variable importance

  only 20 most important variables shown (out of 68)

NumKidsBornNeverMar   100.0
PctKidsBornNeverMar    79.5
PctEmplManu            61.4
PctHousOccup           56.2
MedRentPctHousInc      54.1
PctOccupManu           48.8
pctWRetire             48.2
PctHousNoPhone         46.7
PctUsePubTrans         46.3
PctBornSameState       45.4
racepctblack           45.3
PersPerFam             42.5
PctForeignBorn         39.9
OwnOccQrange           39.1
pctWPubAsst            38.4
PctRecentImmig         35.4
MedOwnCostPctInc       34.8
PctOccupMgmtProf       34.7
FemalePctDiv           34.5
racePctAsian           34.1
glm variable importance

PC1   100.00
PC2    94.19
PC4    80.80
PC3    77.90
PC5    74.74
PC11   60.11
PC8    48.74
PC6    35.34
PC7    32.85
PC9     9.67
PC10    0.00
# print variable importance



  1. Now that you know which features were most important, do you think you can come up with a set of features that reliably outperforms thew predictions based on the pca-generated feature set? Try it out!

Z - Violent & Non-violent Crime Data

  1. Analyze the violent and non-violent crime data sets predicting either the number of violent crimes per 100k inhabitants (ViolentCrimesPerPop) or the number of non-violent crimes per 100k inhabitants (nonViolPerPop). Both criteria are numeric, implying that this is not classification problem, but one of regression. Other than that, the features in the data set are identical to the previous analyses. How well can you predict violent or non-violent crimes?

  2. Another approach to feature selection, beyond selection by hand or PCA, is to have the computer try to automically select subsets of features that lead to the best possible cross-validation performance. One such process is called recursive feature elimination. Try it out using caret’s rfe() function. See code below.

# split index
train_index <- createDataPartition(violent_crime$ViolentCrimesPerPop, 
                                   p = .8, 
                                   list = FALSE)

# train and test sets
violent_train <- violent_crime %>% slice(train_index)
violent_test  <- violent_crime %>% slice(-train_index)

# remove extreme correlations (OPTIONAL)
predictors <- violent_train %>% select(-ViolentCrimesPerPop)
predictors <- predictors %>% select(-findCorrelation(cor(predictors)))
violent_train_clean <- predictors %>%
  add_column(ViolentCrimesPerPop = violent_train$ViolentCrimesPerPop)

# Feature elimination settings 
ctrl_rfe <- rfeControl(functions = lmFuncs,  # linear model
                          method = "cv",
                          verbose = FALSE,
                          rerank = FALSE)

# Run feature elimination
profile <- rfe(x = violent_train %>% select(-ViolentCrimesPerPop), 
               y = violent_train$ViolentCrimesPerPop,
               sizes = 1:(ncol(violent_train_clean)-1), # Features set sizes
               rfeControl = ctrl_rfe)

# inspect cross-validation as a function of performance


# Step 0: Load packages-----------

library(tidyverse)    # Load tidyverse for dplyr and tidyr
library(tibble)       # For advanced tibble functions
library(caret)        # For ML mastery 

# Step 1: Load, prepare, and explore data ----------------------

# read data
data <- read_csv("1_Data/mpg_num.csv")

# Convert all characters to factors
data <- data %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, factor)

# Explore training data
data        # Print the dataset
dim(data)   # Print dimensions
names(data) # Print the names

# Step 2: Create training and test sets -------------

# Create train index
train_index <- createDataPartition(criterion, 
                                   p = .8, 
                                   list = FALSE)

# Create training and test sets
data_train <- data %>% slice(train_index)
data_test <- data %>% slice(-train_index)

# split predictors and criterion
criterion_train <- data_train %>% select(hwy) %>% pull()
predictors_train <- data_train %>% select(-hwy)
criterion_test <- data_test %>% select(hwy) %>% pull()
predictors_test <- data_test %>% select(-hwy)

# Step 3: Clean data -------------

# Test for excessively correlated features
corr_matrix <- cor(predictors_train)
corr_features <- findCorrelation(corr_matrix)

# Remove excessively correlated features
predictors_train <- predictors_train %>% select(-corr_features)

# Test for near zero variance features
zerovar_features <- nearZeroVar(predictors_train)

# Remove near zero variance features
predictors_train <- predictors_train %>% select(-zerovar_features)

# recombine data
data_train <- predictors_train %>% add_column(hwy = criterion_train)

# Step 4: Define training control parameters -------------

# Train using cross-validation
ctrl_cv <- trainControl(method = "cv") 

# Step 5: Fit models -------------

# Fit glm vanilla flavor
hwy_glm <- train(form = hwy ~ .,
                 data = data_train,
                 method = "glm",
                 trControl = ctrl_cv)

# Fit with pca transformation
hwy_glm_pca <- train(form = hwy ~ .,
                     data = data_train,
                     method = "glm",
                     trControl = ctrl_cv,
                     preProcess = c('pca'))

# Fit scaling and centering
hwy_glm_sca <- train(form = hwy ~ .,
                     data = data_train,
                     method = "glm",
                     trControl = ctrl_cv,
                     preProcess = c('scale', 'center'))

# Get fits
glm_fit     <- predict(hwy_glm)
glm_pca_fit <- predict(hwy_glm_pca)
glm_sca_fit <- predict(hwy_glm_sca)

# Step 6: Evaluate variable importance -------------

# Run varImp()
imp_glm     <- varImp(hwy_glm)
imp_glm_pca <- varImp(hwy_glm_pca)
imp_glm_sca <- varImp(hwy_glm_sca)

# Plot variable importance

# Step 7: Select variables -------------

# Select by hand in formula
hwy_glm_sel <- train(form = hwy ~ cty,
                     data = data_train,
                     method = "glm",
                     trControl = ctrl_cv)

# Select by reducing pca criterion ---

# Reduce criterion to 50% variance epxlained 
ctrl_cv_pca <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                            preProcOptions = list(thresh = 0.50)) 

# Refit model with update
hwy_glm_sel <- train(form = hwy ~ .,
                     data = data_train,
                     method = "glm",
                     trControl = ctrl_cv_pca,
                     preProcess = c('pca'))

# Step 8: Recursive feature elimination -------------

# Feature elimination settings 
ctrl_rfe <- rfeControl(functions = lmFuncs,  # linear model
                       method = "cv",
                       verbose = FALSE)

# Run feature elimination
profile <- rfe(x = predictors_train, 
               y = criterion_train,
               sizes = c(1, 2, 3),     # Features set sizes should be considered
               rfeControl = ctrl_rfe)

# plot result
plot(profile, type = c("g", "o"))

# Step 9: Evaluate models -------------

# you know how...


File Rows Columns
pima_diabetes 724 7
murders_crime 1000 102
violent_crime 1000 102
nonviolent_crime 1000 102
  • The pima_diabetes is a subset of the PimaIndiansDiabetes2 data set in the mlbench package. It contains medical and demographic data of Pima Indians.

  • The murders_crime, violent_crime, and non_violent_crime data are subsets of the Communities and Crime Unnormalized Data Set data set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. To see column descriptions, visit this site: Communities and Crime Unnormalized Data Set. Due to the large number of variables (102), we do not include the full tables below.

Variable description of pima_diabetes

Name Description
pregnant Number of times pregnant.
glucose Plasma glucose concentration (glucose tolerance test).
pressure Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg).
triceps Triceps skin fold thickness (mm).
insulin 2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml).
mass Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2).
pedigree Diabetes pedigree function.
age Age (years).
diabetes Class variable (test for diabetes).



Package Installation
tidyverse install.packages("tidyverse")
tibble install.packages("tibble")
caret install.packages("caret")


Function Package Description
trainControl() caret Define modelling control parameters
train() caret Train a model
predict(object, newdata) stats Predict the criterion values of newdata based on object
postResample() caret Calculate aggregate model performance in regression tasks
confusionMatrix() caret Calculate aggregate model performance in classification tasks
varImp() caret Determine the model-specific importance of features
findCorrelation(), nearZeroVar() caret Identify highly correlated and low variance features.
rfe(), rfeControl() caret Run and control recursive feature selection.


