adapted from


In this practical, you’ll practice the basics of fitting and exploring regression models in R.

By the end of this practical you will know how to:

  1. Fit a regression model to training data.
  2. Explore your fit object with generic functions.
  3. Evaluate the model’s fitting performance using accuracy measures such as MSE and MAE.
  4. Explore the effects of adding additional features.


A - Setup

  1. Open your BaselRBootcamp R project. It should already have the folders 1_Data and 2_Code. Make sure that the data file(s) listed in the Datasets section are in your 1_Data folder
# Done!
  1. Open a new R script. At the top of the script, using comments, write your name and the date. Save it as a new file called Fitting_practical.R in the 2_Code folder.
# Done!
  1. Using library() load the set of packages for this practical listed in the packages section above.
# Load packages necessary for this script
  1. For this practical, we’ll use a dataset of 388 U.S. Colleges. The data is stored in college_train.csv. Using the following template, load the dataset into R as college_train:
# Load in college_train.csv data as college_train
college_train <- read_csv(file = "1_Data/college_train.csv")
  1. Take a look at the first few rows of the dataset by printing it to the console.
# A tibble: 500 x 18
   Private  Apps Accept Enroll Top10perc Top25perc F.Undergrad P.Undergrad
   <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 Yes      1202   1054    326        18        44        1410         299
 2 Yes      1415    714    338        18        52        1345          44
 3 Yes      4778   2767    678        50        89        2587         120
 4 Yes      1220    974    481        28        67        1964         623
 5 Yes      1981   1541    514        18        36        1927        1084
 6 Yes      1217   1088    496        36        69        1773         884
 7 No       8579   5561   3681        25        50       17880        1673
 8 No        833    669    279         3        13        1224         345
 9 No      10706   7219   2397        12        37       14826        1979
10 Yes       938    864    511        29        62        1715         103
# … with 490 more rows, and 10 more variables: Outstate <dbl>,
#   Room.Board <dbl>, Books <dbl>, Personal <dbl>, PhD <dbl>,
#   Terminal <dbl>, S.F.Ratio <dbl>, perc.alumni <dbl>, Expend <dbl>,
#   Grad.Rate <dbl>
  1. Print the numbers of rows and columns using the dim() function.
# Print number of rows and columns of college_train
# Print number of rows and columns of college_train
[1] 500  18
  1. Look at the names of the dataframe with the names() function
 [1] "Private"     "Apps"        "Accept"      "Enroll"      "Top10perc"  
 [6] "Top25perc"   "F.Undergrad" "P.Undergrad" "Outstate"    "Room.Board" 
[11] "Books"       "Personal"    "PhD"         "Terminal"    "S.F.Ratio"  
[16] "perc.alumni" "Expend"      "Grad.Rate"  
  1. Open the dataset in a new window using View(). How does it look?
  1. Before starting to model the data, we need to do a little bit of data cleaning. Specifically, we need to convert all character columns to factors: Do this by running the following code:
# Convert character to factor
college_train <- college_train %>%
          mutate_if(is.character, factor)

B - Determine sampling procedure

In caret, we define the computational nuances of training using the trainControl() function. Because we’re learning the basics of fitting, we’ll set method = "none" for now. (Note that you would almost never do this for a real prediction task, you’ll see why later!)

# Set training resampling method to "none" to keep everything super simple
#  for demonstration purposes. Note that you would almost never
#  do this for a real prediction task!
ctrl_none <- trainControl(method = "none") 


C - Fit a regression model

  1. Using the code below, fit a regression model predicting graduation rate (Grad.Rate) as a function of one feature PhD (percent of faculty with PhDs). Save the result as an object Grad.Rate_glm. Specifically,…
  • set the form argument to Grad.Rate ~ PhD.
  • set the data argument to your training data college_train.
  • set the method argument to "glm" for regression.
  • set the trControl argument to ctrl_none, the object you created previously.
# Grad.Rate_glm: Regression Model
#   Criterion: Grad.Rate
#   Features: PhD
Grad.Rate_glm <- train(form = XX ~ XX,
                       data = XX,
                       method = "XX",
                       trControl = XX)
# Grad.Rate_glm: Regression Model
#   Criterion: Grad.Rate
#   Features: PhD
Grad.Rate_glm <- train(form = Grad.Rate ~ PhD,
                       data = college_train,
                       method = "glm",
                       trControl = ctrl_none)
  1. Explore the fitted model using the summary() function, by setting the function’s first argument to Grad.Rate_glm.
# Show summary information from the regression model
# Show summary information from the regression model


Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-43.83  -10.44    0.49   10.93   41.47  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   41.372      3.382   12.23  < 2e-16 ***
PhD            0.330      0.045    7.33  9.1e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 257)

    Null deviance: 141641  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 127832  on 498  degrees of freedom
AIC: 4197

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
  1. Look at the results, how do you interpret the regression coefficients? What is the general relationship between PhD and graduation rates? Does this make sense?
# For every increase of one in PhD (the percent of faculty with a PhD), the expected graduation rate increases by 0.33
  1. Now it’s time to save the model’s fitted values! Do this by running the following code to save the fitted values as glm_fit. Tip: Set the first argument to Grad.Rate_glm.
# Get fitted values from the Grad.Rate_glm model and save as glm_fit
glm_fit <- predict(XXX)
# Get fitted values from the model and save as glm_fit
glm_fit <- predict(Grad.Rate_glm)
  1. Plot the distribution of your glm_fit object using the code below - what are these values? Do they look reasonable? That is, are they in the range of what you expect the criterion to be?
# Plot glm_fit

# Yes, values appear to be within 40 and 80, which is what we expect from the truth population.

D - Evaluate accuracy

  1. Now it’s time to compare your model fits to the true values. We’ll start by defining the vector criterion as the actual graduation rates.
# Define criterion as Grad.Rate
criterion <- college_train$Grad.Rate
  1. Let’s quantify our model’s fitting results. To do this, we’ll use the postResample() function, with the fitted values as the prediction, and the criterion as the observed values.


  • set the pred argument to glm_fit (your fitted values).
  • set the obs argument to criterion (a vector of the criterion values).
# Regression Fitting Accuracy
postResample(pred = XXX,   # Fitted values 
             obs = XXX)  # criterion values
# Regression Fitting Accuracy
postResample(pred = glm_fit,   # Fitted values 
             obs = criterion)  # criterion values
    RMSE Rsquared      MAE 
 15.9895   0.0975  12.8633 
  1. You’ll see three values here. The easiest to understand is MAE which stands for “Mean Absolute Error” – in other words, “on average how far are the predictions from the true values?” A value of 0 means perfect prediction, so small values are good! How do you interpret these results?
# On average, the model fits are 12.8633 away from the true values.
#  Whether this is 'good' or not depends on you :)
  1. Now we’re ready to do some plotting. But first, we need to re-organise the data a bit. We’ll create two dataframes:
  • accuracy - Raw absolute errors
  • accuracy_agg - Aggregate (i.e.; mean) absolute errors
# accuracy - a dataframe of raw absolute errors
accuracy <- tibble(criterion = criterion,
                   Regression = glm_fit) %>%
                gather(model, prediction, -criterion) %>%
                # Add error measures
                mutate(ae = abs(prediction - criterion))

# accuracy_agg - Dataframe of aggregate errors
accuracy_agg <- accuracy %>%
                  group_by(model) %>%
                  summarise(mae = mean(ae))   # Calculate MAE (mean absolute error)
  1. Print the accuracy and accuracy_agg objects to see how they look.
head(accuracy) # Just printing the first few rows
# A tibble: 6 x 4
  criterion model      prediction    ae
      <dbl> <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>
1        65 Regression       67.1  2.12
2        69 Regression       58.5 10.5 
3        83 Regression       66.8 16.2 
4        49 Regression       61.5 12.5 
5        80 Regression       65.5 14.5 
6        67 Regression       52.9 14.1 
# A tibble: 1 x 2
  model        mae
  <chr>      <dbl>
1 Regression  12.9
  1. Using the code below, create a scatterplot showing the relationship between the true criterion values and the model fits.
# Plot A) Scatterplot of criterion versus predictions
ggplot(data = accuracy,
       aes(x = criterion, y = prediction)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .2) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
  labs(title = "Regression: One Feature",
       subtitle = "Line indicates perfect performance",
       x = "True Graduation Rates",
       y = "Fitted Graduation Rates") +
  xlim(0, 120) + 
  ylim(0, 120)
  1. Look at the plot, how do you interpret this? Do you think the model did well or not in fitting the graduation rates?
# No the model is not great, values do not fall very closely to the black diagonal line.
  1. Let’s create a new violin plot showing the distribution of absolute errors of the model.
# Plot B) Violin plot of absolute errors
ggplot(data = accuracy, 
       aes(x = model, y = ae, fill = model)) + 
  geom_violin() + 
  geom_jitter(width = .05, alpha = .2) +
  labs(title = "Distributions of Fitting Absolute Errors",
       subtitle = "Numbers indicate means",
       x = "Model",
       y = "Absolute Error") +
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  annotate(geom = "label", 
           x = accuracy_agg$model, 
           y = accuracy_agg$mae, 
           label = round(accuracy_agg$mae, 2))
  1. What does the plot show you about the model fits? On average, how far away were the model fits from the true values?
# On average, the model fits are 12.86 away from the true criterion values.
#  However, there is also quite a bit of variability

E - Add more features

So far we have only used one feature (PhD), to predict Grad.Rate. Let’s try again, but now we’ll use a total of four features:

  • PhD - the percent of faculty with a PhD.
  • Room.Board - room and board costs.
  • Terminal - percent of faculty with a terminal degree.
  • S.F.Ratio - student to faculty ratio.
  1. Using the same steps as above, create a regression model Grad.Rate_glm which predicts Grad.Rate using all 4 features (you can also call it something else if you want to save your original model!). Specifically,…
  • set the form argument to Grad.Rate ~ PhD + Room.Board + Terminal + S.F.Ratio.
  • set the data argument to your training data college_train.
  • set the method argument to "glm" for regression.
  • set the trControl argument to ctrl_none.
# Grad.Rate_glm: Regression Model
#   Criterion: Grad.Rate
#   Features: PhD, Room.Board, Terminal, S.F.Ratio
Grad.Rate_glm <- train(form = XXX ~ XXX + XXX + XXX + XXX,
                       data = XXX,
                       method = "XXX",
                       trControl = XXX)
# Grad.Rate_glm: Regression Model
#   Criterion: Grad.Rate
#   Features: PhD, Room.Board, Terminal, S.F.Ratio
Grad.Rate_glm <- train(form = Grad.Rate ~ PhD + Room.Board + Terminal + S.F.Ratio,
                       data = college_train,
                       method = "glm",
                       trControl = ctrl_none)
  1. Explore your model using summary(). Which features seem to be important? Tip: set the first argument to Grad.Rate_glm.


Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-45.10   -9.63    0.40   10.07   48.55  

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 38.635042   5.288467    7.31  1.1e-12 ***
PhD          0.217725   0.080744    2.70   0.0072 ** 
Room.Board   0.004674   0.000676    6.91  1.5e-11 ***
Terminal    -0.021957   0.088196   -0.25   0.8035    
S.F.Ratio   -0.524664   0.176980   -2.96   0.0032 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 224)

    Null deviance: 141641  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 110813  on 495  degrees of freedom
AIC: 4131

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
  1. Save the model’s fitted values as a new object glm_fit. I.e., set the first argument of predict() to your Grad.Rate_glm model.
# Save new model fits
glm_fit <- predict(XXX)
# Save new model fits
glm_fit <- predict(Grad.Rate_glm)
  1. By comparing the model fits to the true criterion values using postResample() calculate the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of your new model that uses 4 features. How does this compare to your previous model that only used 1 feature? Specifically,…
  • set the pred argument to glm_fit, your model fits.
  • set the obs argument to criterion, a vector of the true criterion values.
# New model fitting accuracy
postResample(pred = XXX,   # Fitted values 
             obs = XXX)  # criterion values
# New model fitting accuracy
postResample(pred = glm_fit,   # Fitted values 
             obs = criterion)  # criterion values
    RMSE Rsquared      MAE 
  14.887    0.218   11.779 
# The new MAE value is 11.779, it's better (smaller) than the previous model, but still not great (in my opinion)
  1. (Optional). Create a scatter plot showing the relationship between your new model fits and the true values. How does this plot compare to your previous one?
# accuracy: a dataframe of raw absolute errors
accuracy <- tibble(criterion = criterion,
                   Regression = glm_fit) %>%
                gather(model, prediction, -criterion) %>%
  # Add error measures
  mutate(ae = abs(prediction - criterion))

# accuracy_agg: Dataframe of aggregate errors
accuracy_agg <- accuracy %>%
                  group_by(model) %>%
                  summarise(mae = mean(ae))   # Calculate MAE (mean absolute error)

# Plot A) Scatterplot of criterion versus predictions
ggplot(data = accuracy,
       aes(x = criterion, y = prediction)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .2) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
  labs(title = "Regression: Four Features",
       subtitle = "Line indicates perfect performance",
       x = "True Graduation Rates",
       y = "Fitted Graduation Rates") +
  xlim(0, 120) + 
  ylim(0, 120)

  1. (Optional). Create a violin plot showing the distribution of absolute errors. How does this compare to your previous one?
# Plot B) Violin plot of absolute errors
ggplot(data = accuracy, 
       aes(x = model, y = ae, fill = model)) + 
  geom_violin() + 
  geom_jitter(width = .05, alpha = .2) +
  labs(title = "Distributions of Fitting Absolute Errors",
       subtitle = "Numbers indicate means",
       x = "Model",
       y = "Absolute Error") +
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  annotate(geom = "label", 
           x = accuracy_agg$model, 
           y = accuracy_agg$mae, 
           label = round(accuracy_agg$mae, 2))

F - Use all features

Alright, now it’s time to use all features available!

  1. Using the same steps as above, create a regression model glm_fit which predicts Grad.Rate using all features in the dataset. Specifically,…
  • set the form argument to Grad.Rate ~ ..
  • set the data argument to the training data college_train.
  • set the method argument to "glm" for regression.
  • set the trControl argument to ctrl_none.
Grad.Rate_glm <- train(form = XXX ~ .,
                       data = XXX,
                       method = "glm",
                       trControl = XXX)
Grad.Rate_glm <- train(form = Grad.Rate ~ .,
                       data = college_train,
                       method = "glm",
                       trControl = ctrl_none)
  1. Explore your model using summary(), which features seem to be important?


Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-38.10   -7.24   -0.58    7.51   47.10  

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 31.010972   5.911481    5.25  2.3e-07 ***
PrivateYes   1.701840   2.114677    0.80  0.42135    
Apps         0.001926   0.000572    3.37  0.00082 ***
Accept      -0.001754   0.001046   -1.68  0.09417 .  
Enroll       0.005550   0.002872    1.93  0.05387 .  
Top10perc   -0.049727   0.086281   -0.58  0.56466    
Top25perc    0.206252   0.066972    3.08  0.00219 ** 
F.Undergrad -0.001069   0.000461   -2.32  0.02068 *  
P.Undergrad -0.001294   0.000444   -2.92  0.00369 ** 
Outstate     0.001782   0.000297    6.01  3.7e-09 ***
Room.Board   0.000871   0.000721    1.21  0.22790    
Books       -0.000932   0.004089   -0.23  0.81988    
Personal    -0.001457   0.000998   -1.46  0.14494    
PhD          0.104743   0.071027    1.47  0.14095    
Terminal    -0.101789   0.076321   -1.33  0.18293    
S.F.Ratio    0.275943   0.191423    1.44  0.15008    
perc.alumni  0.219944   0.061576    3.57  0.00039 ***
Expend      -0.000683   0.000202   -3.39  0.00077 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 155)

    Null deviance: 141641  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  74595  on 482  degrees of freedom
AIC: 3960

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
  1. Save the model’s fitted values as a new object glm_fit.
# Save new model fits
glm_fit <- predict(XXX)
# Save new model fits
glm_fit <- predict(Grad.Rate_glm)
  1. What is the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of your new model that uses 17 features? How does this compare to your previous model that only used 1 feature?
# New model fitting accuracy
postResample(pred = glm_fit,   # Fitted values 
             obs = criterion)  # criterion values
    RMSE Rsquared      MAE 
  12.214    0.473    9.250 
  1. (Optional). Create a scatter plot showing the relationship between your new model fits and the true values. How does this plot compare to your previous one?
# accuracy: a dataframe of raw absolute errors
accuracy <- tibble(criterion = criterion,
                   Regression = glm_fit) %>%
                gather(model, prediction, -criterion) %>%
  # Add error measures
  mutate(ae = abs(prediction - criterion))

# accuracy_agg: Dataframe of aggregate errors
accuracy_agg <- accuracy %>%
                  group_by(model) %>%
                  summarise(mae = mean(ae))   # Calculate MAE (mean absolute error)

# Plot A) Scatterplot of criterion versus predictions

ggplot(data = accuracy,
       aes(x = criterion, y = prediction)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .2) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
  labs(title = "Regression: All Features",
       subtitle = "Line indicates perfect performance",
       x = "True Graduation Rates",
       y = "Fitted Graduation Rates") +
  xlim(0, 120) + 
  ylim(0, 120)

  1. (Optional). Create a violin plot showing the distribution of absolute errors. How does this compare to your previous one?
# Plot B) Violin plot of absolute errors
ggplot(data = accuracy, 
       aes(x = model, y = ae, fill = model)) + 
  geom_violin() + 
  geom_jitter(width = .05, alpha = .2) +
  labs(title = "Distributions of Fitting Absolute Errors",
       subtitle = "Numbers indicate means",
       x = "Model",
       y = "Absolute Error") +
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  annotate(geom = "label", 
           x = accuracy_agg$model, 
           y = accuracy_agg$mae, 
           label = round(accuracy_agg$mae, 2))


G - Make sure your criterion is a factor!

Now it’s time to do a classification task! Recall that in a classification task, we are predicting a category, not a continuous number. In this task, we’ll predict whether or not a college is Private or Public, this is stored as the variable college_train$Private.

  1. In order to do classification training with caret, all you need to do is make sure that the criterion is coded as a factor. To test whether it is coded as a factor, you can look at its class as follows.
# Look at the class of the variable Private, should be a factor!
[1] "factor"
  1. Now, we’ll save the Private column as a new object called criterion.
# Define criterion as college_train$Private
criterion <- college_train$Private

H - Fit a classification model

  1. Using train(), create Private_glm, a regression model predicting the variable Private. Specifically,…
  • set the form argument to Private ~ ..
  • set the data argument to the training data college_train.
  • set the method argument to "glm".
  • set the trControl argument to ctrl_none.
# Fit regression model predicting Private
Private_glm <- train(form = XXX ~ .,
                     data = XXX,
                     method = "XXX",
                     trControl = XXX)
# Fit regression model predicting private
Private_glm <- train(form = Private ~ .,
                     data = college_train,
                     method = "glm",
                     trControl = ctrl_none)
  1. Explore the Private_glm object using the summary() function.
# Explore the Private_glm object
# Show summary information from the regression model


Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-2.9426  -0.0453   0.0272   0.1179   2.5261  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  1.25e+00   2.28e+00    0.55   0.5839    
Apps        -2.79e-04   2.71e-04   -1.03   0.3028    
Accept      -1.21e-03   5.48e-04   -2.20   0.0276 *  
Enroll       3.90e-03   1.40e-03    2.80   0.0052 ** 
Top10perc   -1.67e-02   3.82e-02   -0.44   0.6619    
Top25perc    3.09e-02   2.76e-02    1.12   0.2640    
F.Undergrad -4.14e-04   1.68e-04   -2.46   0.0140 *  
P.Undergrad -1.76e-04   2.05e-04   -0.86   0.3899    
Outstate     8.48e-04   1.55e-04    5.47  4.5e-08 ***
Room.Board   7.35e-04   3.60e-04    2.04   0.0410 *  
Books        3.42e-03   1.83e-03    1.87   0.0619 .  
Personal    -6.20e-04   3.88e-04   -1.60   0.1097    
PhD         -5.63e-02   3.73e-02   -1.51   0.1315    
Terminal    -6.57e-02   3.68e-02   -1.79   0.0739 .  
S.F.Ratio   -1.91e-01   7.46e-02   -2.56   0.0104 *  
perc.alumni  4.77e-02   2.79e-02    1.71   0.0876 .  
Expend       2.81e-05   1.53e-04    0.18   0.8542    
Grad.Rate    7.30e-03   1.48e-02    0.49   0.6220    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 609.16  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 144.29  on 482  degrees of freedom
AIC: 180.3

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8
  1. Look at the results, how do you interpret the regression coefficients? Which features seem important in predicting whether a school is private or not?
# Looking at the z statistics, Outstate, Enroll and S.F.Ratio (...) have quite large z-statistics

I - Access classification model accuracy

  1. Now it’s time to save the model’s fitted values! Do this by running the following code to save the fitted values as glm_fit.
# Get fitted values from the Private_glm object
glm_fit <- predict(XXX)
# Get fitted values from the Private_glm object
glm_fit <- predict(Private_glm)
  1. Plot the values of your glm_fit object - what are these values? Do they look reasonable?
# Plot glm_fit

  1. Now it’s time to calculate model accuracy. To do this, we will use a new function called confusionMatrix(). This function compares model predictions to a ‘reference’ (in our case, the criterion, and returns several summary statistics). In the code below, we’ll use glm_fit as the model predictions, and our already defined criterion vector as the reference (aka, truth). Specifically,…
  • set the data argument to your glm_fit values.
  • set the reference argument to the criterion values.
# Show accuracy of glm_fit versus the true criterion values
confusionMatrix(data = XXX,      # This is the prediction!
                reference = XXX) # This is the truth!
# Show accuracy of glm_fit versus the true values
confusionMatrix(data = glm_fit,        # This is the prediction!
                reference = criterion) # This is the truth!
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  No Yes
       No  133  13
       Yes  16 338
               Accuracy : 0.942         
                 95% CI : (0.918, 0.961)
    No Information Rate : 0.702         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16        
                  Kappa : 0.861         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.71          
            Sensitivity : 0.893         
            Specificity : 0.963         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.911         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.955         
             Prevalence : 0.298         
         Detection Rate : 0.266         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.292         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.928         
       'Positive' Class : No            
  1. Look at the results, what is the overall accuracy of the model? How do you interpret this?
# The overall accuracy is 0.942. Across all cases, the model fits the true class values 94.2% of the time.
  1. What is the sensitivity? How do you interpret this number?
# The sensitivity is 0.893. Of those colleges that truly are private, the model fits are correct 89.3% of the time.
  1. What is the positive predictive value? How do you interpret this number?
# The PPV is 0.911. Of those colleges that are predicted to be private, 91.1% truly are private.
  1. What is the specificity? How do you interpret this number?
# The sensitivity is 0.963. Of those collges that truly are not private, the model fits are correct 96.3% of the time
  1. What is the negative predictive value? How do you interpret this number?
# The NPV is 0.955. Of those colleges that are predicted to be public, 95.5% truly are public.
  1. To visualize the accuracy of your classification models, use the following code to create a bar plot.
# Get overall accuracy from regression model
glm_accuracy <- confusionMatrix(data =  glm_fit,  
                                reference = criterion)$overall[1]

# Combine results into one table
accuracy <- tibble(Regression = glm_accuracy) %>%
              gather(model, accuracy)

# Plot the results!
ggplot(accuracy, aes(x = model, y = accuracy, fill = model)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  labs(title = "Is a college private or public?",
       subtitle = "Fitting classification accuracy",
       y = "Overall Accuracy") +
  ylim(c(0, 1)) +
  annotate(geom = "label", 
           x = accuracy$model, 
           y = accuracy$accuracy, 
           label = round(accuracy$accuracy, 2))

Z - Challenges

  1. Conduct a regression analysis predicting the percent of alumni who donate to the college (perc.alumni). How good can your regression model fit this criterion? Which variables seem to be important in predicting it?
mod <- train(form = perc.alumni ~ .,
             data = college_train,
             method = "glm",
             trControl = ctrl_none)



Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-24.48   -6.05   -0.30    5.12   31.93  

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  4.22e+00   4.43e+00    0.95  0.34142    
PrivateYes   1.48e+00   1.54e+00    0.96  0.33690    
Apps        -7.58e-04   4.21e-04   -1.80  0.07231 .  
Accept      -1.66e-03   7.62e-04   -2.18  0.02984 *  
Enroll       6.88e-03   2.08e-03    3.31  0.00101 ** 
Top10perc    3.65e-02   6.30e-02    0.58  0.56276    
Top25perc    7.30e-02   4.93e-02    1.48  0.13894    
F.Undergrad -3.32e-04   3.38e-04   -0.98  0.32622    
P.Undergrad  5.27e-05   3.27e-04    0.16  0.87191    
Outstate     1.09e-03   2.19e-04    4.95    1e-06 ***
Room.Board  -1.75e-03   5.21e-04   -3.35  0.00088 ***
Books       -3.72e-04   2.99e-03   -0.12  0.90100    
Personal    -2.18e-03   7.23e-04   -3.01  0.00276 ** 
PhD         -4.28e-02   5.19e-02   -0.82  0.41045    
Terminal     1.40e-01   5.55e-02    2.53  0.01173 *  
S.F.Ratio   -2.55e-01   1.40e-01   -1.82  0.06873 .  
Expend       8.48e-05   1.49e-04    0.57  0.56928    
Grad.Rate    1.17e-01   3.28e-02    3.57  0.00039 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 82.5)

    Null deviance: 73707  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 39764  on 482  degrees of freedom
AIC: 3645

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
mod_predictions <- predict(mod)

postResample(pred = mod_predictions,
             obs = college_train$perc.alumni)
    RMSE Rsquared      MAE 
   8.918    0.461    7.024 
  1. Conduct a classification analysis predicting whether or not a school is ‘hot’ – where a ‘hot’ school is one that receives at least 10,000 applications (Hint: use the code below to create the hot variable).
# Add a new factor criterion 'hot' which indicates whether or not a schol receives at least 10,000 applications
college_train <- college_train %>%
  mutate(hot = factor(Apps >= 10000))
mod_hot <- train(form = hot ~ ., 
                 data = college_train,
                 method = "glm",
                 trControl = ctrl_none)



Deviance Residuals: 
      Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max  
-7.52e-05  -2.00e-08  -2.00e-08  -2.00e-08   6.52e-05  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -6.34e+01   1.96e+05       0        1
PrivateYes  -4.40e+00   6.42e+04       0        1
Apps         1.96e-02   1.62e+01       0        1
Accept      -8.88e-03   1.83e+01       0        1
Enroll       1.17e-02   4.31e+01       0        1
Top10perc   -8.07e-01   2.33e+03       0        1
Top25perc    5.81e-01   2.14e+03       0        1
F.Undergrad  1.40e-03   7.34e+00       0        1
P.Undergrad -1.65e-05   3.31e+00       0        1
Outstate    -6.25e-04   1.15e+01       0        1
Room.Board   6.30e-03   1.24e+01       0        1
Books       -6.36e-02   1.09e+02       0        1
Personal    -3.81e-05   2.95e+01       0        1
PhD         -1.39e+00   2.10e+03       0        1
Terminal    -2.41e-01   4.59e+03       0        1
S.F.Ratio   -8.91e-01   3.22e+03       0        1
perc.alumni  1.86e-01   2.74e+03       0        1
Expend       6.00e-04   5.57e+00       0        1
Grad.Rate    3.72e-01   1.89e+03       0        1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2.5364e+02  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 4.4973e-08  on 481  degrees of freedom
AIC: 38

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 25
mod_predictions <- predict(mod_hot)

confusionMatrix(data = mod_predictions,        # This is the prediction!
                reference = college_train$hot) # This is the truth!
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   465    0
     TRUE      0   35
               Accuracy : 1         
                 95% CI : (0.993, 1)
    No Information Rate : 0.93      
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16    
                  Kappa : 1         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA        
            Sensitivity : 1.00      
            Specificity : 1.00      
         Pos Pred Value : 1.00      
         Neg Pred Value : 1.00      
             Prevalence : 0.93      
         Detection Rate : 0.93      
   Detection Prevalence : 0.93      
      Balanced Accuracy : 1.00      
       'Positive' Class : FALSE     
  1. Did you notice anything strange in your model when doing the previous task? If you used all available predictors you will have gotten a warning that your model did not converge. That can happen if the maximum number of iterations (glm uses an iterative procedure when fitting the model) is reached. The default is a maximum of 25 iterations, see ?glm.control. To fix it just add the following code in your train() function control = list(maxit = 75), and run it again.
mod_hot <- train(form = hot ~ ., 
                 data = college_train,
                 method = "glm",
                 trControl = ctrl_none,
                 control = list(maxit = 75))



Deviance Residuals: 
      Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max  
-6.30e-06  -2.10e-08  -2.10e-08  -2.10e-08   5.38e-06  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -7.72e+01   2.47e+06       0        1
PrivateYes  -6.17e+00   8.40e+05       0        1
Apps         2.43e-02   2.10e+02       0        1
Accept      -1.11e-02   2.25e+02       0        1
Enroll       1.48e-02   5.65e+02       0        1
Top10perc   -1.03e+00   3.24e+04       0        1
Top25perc    7.45e-01   2.91e+04       0        1
F.Undergrad  1.86e-03   9.21e+01       0        1
P.Undergrad -3.63e-05   4.00e+01       0        1
Outstate    -7.15e-04   1.54e+02       0        1
Room.Board   7.87e-03   1.50e+02       0        1
Books       -7.96e-02   1.33e+03       0        1
Personal    -1.79e-04   3.80e+02       0        1
PhD         -1.74e+00   2.58e+04       0        1
Terminal    -3.30e-01   5.87e+04       0        1
S.F.Ratio   -1.16e+00   4.00e+04       0        1
perc.alumni  2.05e-01   3.42e+04       0        1
Expend       7.89e-04   7.32e+01       0        1
Grad.Rate    4.91e-01   2.41e+04       0        1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2.5364e+02  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 3.0770e-10  on 481  degrees of freedom
AIC: 38

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 30
mod_predictions <- predict(mod_hot)

confusionMatrix(data = mod_predictions,        # This is the prediction!
                reference = college_train$hot) # This is the truth!
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   465    0
     TRUE      0   35
               Accuracy : 1         
                 95% CI : (0.993, 1)
    No Information Rate : 0.93      
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16    
                  Kappa : 1         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA        
            Sensitivity : 1.00      
            Specificity : 1.00      
         Pos Pred Value : 1.00      
         Neg Pred Value : 1.00      
             Prevalence : 0.93      
         Detection Rate : 0.93      
   Detection Prevalence : 0.93      
      Balanced Accuracy : 1.00      
       'Positive' Class : FALSE     
  1. Now the model should have converged, but there is still another warning occurring: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred. This can happen if very strong predictors occur in the dataset (see Venables & Ripley, 2002, p. 197). If you added all predictors (except again the college names), then this problem occurs because the Apps variable, used to create the criterion, was also part of the predictors (plus some other variables that highly correlate with Apps). Check the variable correlations (the code below will give you a matrix of bivariate correlations). You will learn an easier way of checking the correlations of variables in a later session.
# get correlation matrix of numeric variables
cor(college_train[,sapply(college_train, is.numeric)])
  1. Now fit the model again but only select variables that are not directly related to the number of applications (here several solutions are possible, there is no clear-cut criterion about which variables to include and which to discard).
mod_hot <- train(form = hot ~ . - Apps -Enroll -Accept - F.Undergrad,
                 data = college_train,
                 method = "glm",
                 trControl = ctrl_none,
                 control = list(maxit = 75))



Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-2.0603  -0.1783  -0.0609  -0.0177   3.0120  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -1.49e+01   4.42e+00   -3.37  0.00075 ***
PrivateYes  -4.85e+00   1.32e+00   -3.67  0.00025 ***
Top10perc    2.42e-02   2.60e-02    0.93  0.35115    
Top25perc    2.66e-02   2.73e-02    0.98  0.32940    
P.Undergrad  5.22e-04   1.62e-04    3.23  0.00124 ** 
Outstate     8.41e-05   1.30e-04    0.65  0.51670    
Room.Board   7.85e-04   3.33e-04    2.36  0.01826 *  
Books       -2.08e-03   2.33e-03   -0.90  0.37057    
Personal     2.77e-04   4.08e-04    0.68  0.49704    
PhD          1.65e-02   5.69e-02    0.29  0.77228    
Terminal     1.97e-02   6.10e-02    0.32  0.74625    
S.F.Ratio   -2.56e-03   8.09e-02   -0.03  0.97480    
perc.alumni -3.23e-02   3.21e-02   -1.01  0.31366    
Expend       2.68e-05   6.19e-05    0.43  0.66542    
Grad.Rate    6.40e-02   2.60e-02    2.47  0.01369 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 253.64  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 121.87  on 485  degrees of freedom
AIC: 151.9

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8
mod_predictions <- predict(mod_hot)

confusionMatrix(data = mod_predictions,        # This is the prediction!
                reference = college_train$hot) # This is the truth!
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   458   18
     TRUE      7   17
               Accuracy : 0.95          
                 95% CI : (0.927, 0.967)
    No Information Rate : 0.93          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.0429        
                  Kappa : 0.551         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.0455        
            Sensitivity : 0.985         
            Specificity : 0.486         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.962         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.708         
             Prevalence : 0.930         
         Detection Rate : 0.916         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.952         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.735         
       'Positive' Class : FALSE         


# Fitting and evaluating a regression model ------------------------------------

# Step 0: Load packages-----------
library(tidyverse)    # Load tidyverse for dplyr and tidyr
library(caret)        # For ML mastery 

# Step 1: Load and Clean, and Explore Training data ----------------------

# I'll use the mpg dataset from the dplyr package in this example
#  no need to load an external dataset
data_train <- read_csv("1_Data/mpg_train.csv")

# Convert all characters to factor
#  Some ML models require factors
data_train <- data_train %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, factor)

# Explore training data
data_train        # Print the dataset
View(data_train)  # Open in a new spreadsheet-like window 
dim(data_train)   # Print dimensions
names(data_train) # Print the names

# Step 2: Define training control parameters -------------

# In this case, I will set method = "none" to fit to 
#  the entire dataset without any fancy methods
#  such as cross-validation
train_control <- trainControl(method = "none") 

# Step 3: Train model: -----------------------------
#   Criterion: hwy
#   Features: year, cyl, displ, trans

# Regression
hwy_glm <- train(form = hwy ~ year + cyl + displ + trans,
                 data = data_train,
                 method = "glm",
                 trControl = train_control)

# Look at summary information

# Step 4: Access fit ------------------------------

# Save fitted values
glm_fit <- predict(hwy_glm)

# Define data_train$hwy as the true criterion
criterion <- data_train$hwy

# Regression Fitting Accuracy
postResample(pred = glm_fit, 
             obs = criterion)

#     RMSE Rsquared      MAE 
# 3.246182 0.678465 2.501346 

# On average, the model fits are 2.8 away from the true
#  criterion values

# Step 5: Visualise Accuracy -------------------------

# Tidy competition results
accuracy <- tibble(criterion = criterion,
                   Regression = glm_fit) %>%
               gather(model, prediction, -criterion) %>%
  # Add error measures
  mutate(se = prediction - criterion,
         ae = abs(prediction - criterion))

# Calculate summaries
accuracy_agg <- accuracy %>%
                  group_by(model) %>%
                  summarise(mae = mean(ae))   # Calculate MAE (mean absolute error)

# Plot A) Scatterplot of criterion versus predictions
ggplot(data = accuracy,
       aes(x = criterion, y = prediction, col = model)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .2) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
  labs(title = "Predicting mpg$hwy",
       subtitle = "Black line indicates perfect performance")

# Plot B) Violin plot of absolute errors
ggplot(data = accuracy, 
       aes(x = model, y = ae, fill = model)) + 
  geom_violin() + 
  geom_jitter(width = .05, alpha = .2) +
  labs(title = "Distributions of Fitting Absolute Errors",
       subtitle = "Numbers indicate means",
       x = "Model",
       y = "Absolute Error") +
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  annotate(geom = "label", 
           x = accuracy_agg$model, 
           y = accuracy_agg$mae, 
           label = round(accuracy_agg$mae, 2))


File Rows Columns
college_train.csv 1000 21
  • The college_train data are taken from the College dataset in the ISLR package. They contain statistics for a large number of US Colleges from the 1995 issue of US News and World Report.

Variable description of college_train

Name Description
Private A factor with levels No and Yes indicating private or public university.
Apps Number of applications received.
Accept Number of applications accepted.
Enroll Number of new students enrolled.
Top10perc Pct. new students from top 10% of H.S. class.
Top25perc Pct. new students from top 25% of H.S. class.
F.Undergrad Number of fulltime undergraduates.
P.Undergrad Number of parttime undergraduates.
Outstate Out-of-state tuition.
Room.Board Room and board costs.
Books Estimated book costs.
Personal Estimated personal spending.
PhD Pct. of faculty with Ph.D.’s.
Terminal Pct. of faculty with terminal degree.
S.F.Ratio Student/faculty ratio.
perc.alumni Pct. alumni who donate.
Expend Instructional expenditure per student.
Grad.Rate Graduation rate.



Package Installation
tidyverse install.packages("tidyverse")
caret install.packages("caret")


Function Package Description
trainControl() caret Define modelling control parameters
train() caret Train a model
predict(object, newdata) base Predict the criterion values of newdata based on object
postResample() caret Calculate aggregate model performance in regression tasks
confusionMatrix() caret Calculate aggregate model performance in classification tasks


