R for Data Science Basel R Bootcamp |
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In this case study, you will analyse historic data of three major stock indices, the Dow Jones, the DAX, and the Nikkei, in relation to the exchange rates between the US dollar, the Euro, and the Yen. Using this data, you will address several questions.
To address these questions, you will import several data files, using various function parameters to match the idiosyncrasies of the data. You will merge the data files into a single data frame, and mutate the data to reflect changes in index price and exchange rate. You will analyze correlations of stock indices among themselves and to exchange rates and create illustrative plots for each of the analyses.
Below you will find several tasks that will guide you through these steps. For the most part these tasks require you to make use of what you have learned in the sessions Data, Wrangling, Analysing, and Plotting.
Open your BaselRBootcamp
R project. It should already have the folders 1_Data
and 2_Code
. Inside of the 1_Data
folder, you should have all of the data sets listed in the Datasets section above!
Open a new R script and save it as a new file in your R
folder called financial_casestudy.R
. At the top of the script, using comments, write your name and the date. Then, load the tidyverse
package. Here’s how the top of your script should look:
## My Name
## The Date
## Financial Data - Case Study
In this practical, you will load three external data sets \^DJI.csv
, \^GDAXI.csv
, and \^N225.csv
. Unfortunately, two of these data files are not yet tidy. Specifically, \^GDAXI.csv
and \^N225.csv
include a specific character string to represent missings in the data and is not identify by R as such. To identify the NA
-character string in the data open one of them in a text viewer, (via RStudio or a word processor such as textedit). Do you see the string value that indicates missing data?
Once you have identified the character string for missing data, us the read_csv()
function to load in the stock index data sets, “^DJI.csv”, “^GDAXI.csv”, and “^N225.csv”, from your 1_Data
folder. In so doing, set an explicit na
-argument to account for the fact that “^GDAXI.csv” “^N225.csv” use a specific character string to represent missings in the data.
# Load index data from local data folder
dow <- read_csv(file = '1_Data/^DJI.csv')
Parsed with column specification:
Date = col_date(format = ""),
Open = col_double(),
High = col_double(),
Low = col_double(),
Close = col_double(),
`Adj Close` = col_double(),
Volume = col_double()
dax <- read_csv(file = '1_Data/^GDAXI.csv', na = 'null')
Parsed with column specification:
Date = col_date(format = ""),
Open = col_double(),
High = col_double(),
Low = col_double(),
Close = col_double(),
`Adj Close` = col_double(),
Volume = col_double()
nik <- read_csv(file = '1_Data/^N225.csv', na = 'null')
Parsed with column specification:
Date = col_date(format = ""),
Open = col_double(),
High = col_double(),
Low = col_double(),
Close = col_double(),
`Adj Close` = col_double(),
Volume = col_double()
Look at each dataset using the View()
function, were the data loaded correctly and are the missing values represented appropriately?
Load in the exchange rate data sets, euro-dollar.txt
and yen-dollar.txt
, from the 1_Data
folder as two new objects called eur_usd
and yen_usd
. To do this, use the read_delim()
-function and \t
as the delim
-argument, telling R that the data is tab-delimited.
# Load data
eur_usd <- read_delim(file = 'XX/XX',
delim = 'XX')
yen_usd <- read_delim(file = 'XX/XX',
delim = 'XX')
# Load exchange rate data from local data folder
eur_usd <- read_delim(file = '1_Data/euro-dollar.txt', delim = '\t')
Parsed with column specification:
`04 Jan 1999` = col_character(),
`1.186669` = col_double()
yen_usd <- read_delim(file = '1_Data/yen-dollar.txt', delim = '\t')
Parsed with column specification:
`02 Jan 1990` = col_character(),
`0.006838` = col_double()
and yen_usd
objects. Are all the data types and variable names correct? Not quite, right?# print exchange rate data sets
# A tibble: 6,545 x 2
`04 Jan 1999` `1.186669`
<chr> <dbl>
1 05 Jan 1999 1.18
2 06 Jan 1999 1.16
3 07 Jan 1999 1.17
4 08 Jan 1999 1.16
5 11 Jan 1999 1.15
6 12 Jan 1999 1.16
7 13 Jan 1999 1.17
8 14 Jan 1999 1.17
9 15 Jan 1999 1.16
10 18 Jan 1999 1.16
# … with 6,535 more rows
# A tibble: 8,764 x 2
`02 Jan 1990` `0.006838`
<chr> <dbl>
1 03 Jan 1990 0.00686
2 04 Jan 1990 0.00698
3 05 Jan 1990 0.00695
4 08 Jan 1990 0.00694
5 09 Jan 1990 0.00689
6 10 Jan 1990 0.00688
7 11 Jan 1990 0.00688
8 12 Jan 1990 0.00688
9 16 Jan 1990 0.00687
10 17 Jan 1990 0.00687
# … with 8,754 more rows
-argument to explicitly assign the column names to be Date
and Rate
. This will prevent R to take names from the first row of the data.# Load data again, but specifying the column names explicitly
eur_usd <- read_delim(file = 'XX/XX',
delim = 'XX',
col_names = c('XX', 'XXX'))
yen_usd <- read_delim(file = 'XX/XX',
delim = 'XX',
col_names = c('XX', 'XX'))
# load data specifying col_names
eur_usd <- read_delim(file = '1_Data/euro-dollar.txt',
delim = '\t',
col_names = c('Date', 'Rate'))
Parsed with column specification:
Date = col_character(),
Rate = col_double()
yen_usd <- read_delim(file = '1_Data/yen-dollar.txt',
delim = '\t',
col_names = c('Date', 'Rate'))
Parsed with column specification:
Date = col_character(),
Rate = col_double()
Print your eur_usd
and yen_usd
objects. Do they look ok? Do you now see the column names you specified?
Look closely at the print out of your objects: what class is your Date
column represented as?
# change Date to date type in both datasets
eur_usd <- eur_usd %>%
mutate(Date = parse_date(Date, format = '%d %b %Y'))
yen_usd <- yen_usd %>%
mutate(Date = parse_date(Date, format = '%d %b %Y'))
and yen_usd
objects again, how do they look? Do they have the correct names and column classes?financial_data
that contains only the dates variable (Date
), the stock index (unadjusted) closing prices (Close
), as well as the exchange rates. Begin by joining dow
and dax
using inner_join()
, selecting only the Date
and Close
variables of each data frame. See the code below to help you do this.# create single data frame
financial <- dow %>%
select(Date,Close) %>%
inner_join(dax %>% select(Date, Close), by = 'Date')
# A tibble: 7,577 x 3
Date Close.x Close.y
<date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1987-12-30 1950. 1005.
2 1987-12-31 1939. NA
3 1988-01-04 2015. 956.
4 1988-01-05 2032. 996.
5 1988-01-06 2038. 1006.
6 1988-01-07 2052. 1014.
7 1988-01-08 1911. 1027.
8 1988-01-11 1945. 988.
9 1988-01-12 1929. 987.
10 1988-01-13 1925. 966.
# … with 7,567 more rows
variables? Run the code again, this time using the suffix
-argument to give both variables suffixes preserve the origin of these variables, e.g., suffix = c(_dow','_dax')
.# create single data frame
financial <- dow %>%
select(Date,Close) %>%
inner_join(dax %>% select(Date, Close),
by = 'Date',
suffix = c('_dow','_dax'))
# Print the result
# A tibble: 7,577 x 3
Date Close_dow Close_dax
<date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1987-12-30 1950. 1005.
2 1987-12-31 1939. NA
3 1988-01-04 2015. 956.
4 1988-01-05 2032. 996.
5 1988-01-06 2038. 1006.
6 1988-01-07 2052. 1014.
7 1988-01-08 1911. 1027.
8 1988-01-11 1945. 988.
9 1988-01-12 1929. 987.
10 1988-01-13 1925. 966.
# … with 7,567 more rows
. Remember, we only want the dates variable (Date
), the stock index (unadjusted) closing prices (Close
). Note if you have trouble fixing all variables names using the suffix
-argument you can also take of this at the end using rename()
.financial <- financial %>%
inner_join(nik %>% select(Date, Close), by = 'Date') %>%
inner_join(eur_usd, by = 'Date') %>%
inner_join(yen_usd, by = 'Date', suffix = c('_eur', '_yen')) %>%
rename(Close_nik = Close)
variables that show how the exchange rates and stock indices have moved. Use the mutate
- and the diff()
-function. The diff
computes the differences between every adjacent pair of entries in a vector. As this results in one fewer differences than there values in the vector add an NA
at the first position of the change variable à la c(NA, diff(my_variable))
.# create variables representing day-to-day changes
financial <- financial %>%
Close_dow_change = c(NA, diff(Close_dow)),
Close_dax_change = c(NA, diff(Close_dax)),
Close_nik_change = c(NA, diff(Close_nik)),
Rate_eur_change = c(NA, diff(Rate_eur)),
Rate_yen_change = c(NA, diff(Rate_yen))
and lubridate::year(Date)
, which will extract from Date
the year information.# load lubridate
Attaching package: 'lubridate'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
# create year variable
financial <- financial %>%
mutate(year = year(Date))
. In long formats variables occupy different rows rather than columns. To this using the gather()
-function. Hint: The first two arguments to the gather
-function specify the names of the new variables, the third and fourth specify the names of the variables whose format you would like to change (minus in front is intentional). Check out the example in the ?gather
-help file.# create long version of data frame
financial_long <- financial %>%
# create long version of data frame
financial_long <- financial %>%
# A tibble: 45,920 x 4
Date year variable value
<date> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1999-01-04 1999 Close_dow 9184.
2 1999-01-05 1999 Close_dow 9311.
3 1999-01-06 1999 Close_dow 9545.
4 1999-01-07 1999 Close_dow 9538.
5 1999-01-08 1999 Close_dow 9643.
6 1999-01-11 1999 Close_dow 9620.
7 1999-01-12 1999 Close_dow 9475.
8 1999-01-13 1999 Close_dow 9350.
9 1999-01-14 1999 Close_dow 9121.
10 1999-01-15 1999 Close_dow 9341.
# … with 45,910 more rows
-function to start a plot. Then, Map Date
to x
and value
to y
in the aes()
-function. And, finally, add a geom_line()
. Does the plot look right?# create long version of data frame
financial_long %>%
filter(variable %in% c("Close_dow", "Close_dax", "Close_nik")) %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = Date, y = value)) +
+ facet_grid(~variable)
to show them in different plotting facets. Also give it a slightly nicer appearance using + theme_light()
What does the plot tell you? Has there been a particular drop in any year?# create long version of data frame
financial_long %>%
filter(variable %in% c("Close_dow", "Close_dax", "Close_nik")) %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = Date, y = value)) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(~variable) +
and summarise()
on the stock index change variables. Use the basic sum()
-function inside summarise()
to compute the overall change in the year. In doing this, don’t forget there were NA
’s in two of the stock index price variables. Check out the result! When was the biggest drop in stock index prices?# calculate aggregate change per year
aggregate_change <- financial %>%
group_by(year) %>%
mean_dow_change = sum(Close_dow_change),
mean_dax_change = sum(Close_dax_change, na.rm = TRUE),
mean_nik_change = sum(Close_nik_change, na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 20 x 4
year mean_dow_change mean_dax_change mean_nik_change
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1999 NA 1529. 5903.
2 2000 -709. -455. -5561.
3 2001 -766. -1254. -4436.
4 2002 -1680. -2112. -2235.
5 2003 2112. 718. 327.
6 2004 329. 180. 1335.
7 2005 -65.5 1108. 3219.
8 2006 1746. 1189. 1504.
9 2007 903. 1470. -1918.
10 2008 -4697. -3257. -6448.
11 2009 1880. 1147. 1513.
12 2010 1021. 957. -318.
13 2011 648. -1016. -1774.
14 2012 721. 1714. 1940.
15 2013 3566. 1940. 5896.
16 2014 1479. 253. 1159.
17 2015 -379. 937. 1583.
18 2016 2159. 738. 80.7
19 2017 4957. 1266. 3439.
20 2018 -455. -960. -2395.
-function. cor()
can take a data frame as an argument to produce the full correlation matrix among all variables in the data frame. This requires, however, that the data is stored in a “wide” format. Reactivate the old, wide financial
data set and use it inside cor()
. Before that select the variables you are interest in. Again, don’t forget about the NA
s - there is an argument for cor()
to deal with them. How closely are the stock indices related and which ones are most closely related?financial %>%
select(Close_dow_change, Close_dax_change, Close_nik_change) %>%
cor(., use = 'complete.obs')
Close_dow_change Close_dax_change Close_nik_change
Close_dow_change 1.000 0.570 0.169
Close_dax_change 0.570 1.000 0.318
Close_nik_change 0.169 0.318 1.000
and summarise()
. Note that here you have to specify each pairwise correlation separately inside summarise()
.financial %>%
group_by(year) %>%
cor_dow_dax = cor(Close_dow_change, Close_dax_change, use = 'complete.obs'),
cor_dow_nik = cor(Close_dow_change, Close_nik_change, use = 'complete.obs'),
cor_dax_nik = cor(Close_dax_change, Close_nik_change, use = 'complete.obs')
# A tibble: 20 x 4
year cor_dow_dax cor_dow_nik cor_dax_nik
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1999 0.453 0.0730 0.192
2 2000 0.308 -0.0519 0.195
3 2001 0.667 0.255 0.287
4 2002 0.654 0.196 0.236
5 2003 0.695 0.127 0.249
6 2004 0.468 0.166 0.344
7 2005 0.390 0.0625 0.327
8 2006 0.594 0.100 0.266
9 2007 0.537 0.0874 0.394
10 2008 0.613 0.212 0.527
11 2009 0.732 0.175 0.260
12 2010 0.695 0.255 0.329
13 2011 0.796 0.185 0.351
14 2012 0.725 0.212 0.325
15 2013 0.566 0.161 0.256
16 2014 0.567 0.149 0.176
17 2015 0.538 0.254 0.295
18 2016 0.605 0.214 0.387
19 2017 0.554 0.367 0.395
20 2018 0.378 0.108 0.481
-function.financial %>%
select(Rate_eur_change, Rate_yen_change) %>%
cor(., use = 'complete.obs')
Rate_eur_change Rate_yen_change
Rate_eur_change 1.000 0.391
Rate_yen_change 0.391 1.000
financial %>%
cor_dow_dax = cor(Close_dow - Close_dax, Rate_eur, use = 'complete.obs'),
cor_dow_nik = cor(Close_dow - Close_nik, Rate_yen, use = 'complete.obs')
# A tibble: 1 x 2
cor_dow_dax cor_dow_nik
<dbl> <dbl>
1 0.0869 0.569
financial %>%
group_by(year) %>%
cor_dow_dax = cor(Close_dow - Close_dax, Rate_eur, use = 'complete.obs'),
cor_dow_nik = cor(Close_dow - Close_nik, Rate_yen, use = 'complete.obs')
# A tibble: 20 x 3
year cor_dow_dax cor_dow_nik
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1999 -0.639 -0.501
2 2000 -0.222 -0.479
3 2001 -0.393 -0.221
4 2002 0.162 -0.287
5 2003 0.772 -0.320
6 2004 0.253 0.427
7 2005 0.831 0.862
8 2006 0.776 0.0745
9 2007 -0.136 0.824
10 2008 0.825 0.788
11 2009 0.837 0.740
12 2010 0.714 0.932
13 2011 -0.334 0.459
14 2012 -0.248 0.727
15 2013 -0.235 0.898
16 2014 -0.856 0.781
17 2015 0.601 0.819
18 2016 -0.108 0.831
19 2017 0.784 0.629
20 2018 0.470 0.792
File | Rows | Columns | Description |
^DJI.csv | 8364 | 7 | Dow Jones Industrial stock history |
^GDAXI.csv | 7811 | 7 | DAX stock history |
^N225.csv | 13722 | 7 | Nikkei stock history |
euro-dollar.txt | 6545 | 1 | Euro to dollar exchange rates |
yen-dollar.txt | 8754 | 7 | Yen to dollar exchange rates |
Variables of data sets ^DJI.csv
, ^GDAXI.csv
, ^N225.csv
Variable | Description |
Date | Current day |
Open | Day’s price when the stock exchange opened |
High | Day’s highest price |
Low | Day’s lowest price |
Close | Day’s closing price |
Adj Close | Adjusted closing price that has been amended to include any distributions and corporate actions that occurred at any time prior to the next day’s open |
Variables of data sets “euro-dollar.txt”, “yen-dollar.txt”
Variable | Description |
Date (currently unnamed) | Current day |
Rate (currently unnamed) | Day’s exchange rate in terms of 1 US Dollar. E.g., a value of .75 means that the respective currency is worth a fraction of .75 of 1 US Dollar |
Package | Installation |
tidyverse |
install.packages("tidyverse") |
haven |
install.packages("haven") |
Here are some articles relevant to the current case-study: